Chapter 26

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(Luca's Pov)

I opened my locker and got out my lunch. Riley came running up to me and I saw Jeffree running behind him. He hid behind me and screamed "Help me!" I glared at Jeffree and pushed him.

"L-leave him a-alone!" I said. He stopped and laughed evily.

"Why would I listen to you, Stutter boy?" I glared at him and said,

"Because I-I don't t-think you w-want to end u-up like Cameron." I smirked and he stopped laughing.

"Whatever, stutter boy, you know what? Why don't you just go kill yourself! It's not like anyone would miss you." He said. I frowned and felt tears come to my eyes. I ran into the closest bathroom and quickly locked the door. I heard Riley yelling from outside.

"Luca! Luca answer me! I'm going to go get the janitor if you don't open the door!" He said. I shook my head and slid down the wall with tears running down my face. He's right, no one would miss me. I'm just a waste of space! My own parents didn't want me, so why would anyone else? I sniffled and put my knees to my chest. I then pulled up my sleeve and started crying harder. Just one little cut could change my life forever. Do I want to do it? I mean I would miss Riley, Stormie, and Tyler. I would even miss my tutor Axel. He's so sweet and nice, he's always giving complements to me and I just think he's a great friend. I sighed and got my bag out. I got my razor blade out and just stared at it. It's so small and shiny. It's amazing how just two cuts could kill you. I smiled a little at the thought and put my razor to my wrist. I remembered a saying I saw about how to look youself. Not across the road, down the street. It means don't slash you're wrist across, do it downwards. I slowly started cutting down my arm and I shut my eyes from the pain. After done doing that one I went to the other wrist to do the same.

"Luca! I'm coming in! I have the janitor!" Riley screamed. I started to cry and I felt dizzy. I tried to get up but I just collapsed onto the floor. I felt my eyes getting heavy, just as I closed my eyes I saw Riley and the janitor come rushing over to me.

(Storm's Pov)

I was in math class tapping my pencil against the desk, bored out of my mind. Jackson and his friends were all talking and laughing but for some reason I couldn't get this bad feeling out of the back of my head. "Hey Storm, you okay?" Kyle asked.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile.

"Storm!" I jumped and looked at Ms. Hedie.


"There's someone here to see you." She said. She opened the door and Riley came running in. Michael and me looked at him surprised and he came over to me with tears running down his face.

"Storm! You have to help him, please!" He begged.

"Help who? what happened?" I asked.

"Luca slit his wrist," He whispered. The room was deathly silent and I heard a few gasps.

"Wh-what?" I asked. I felt everything just come down on me. I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

"Luca just attempted suicide," he said. I rushed out of my desk and ran into the hallway. Jackson and the guys followed me. I ran out to my car, got in and sped off. I saw Jackson getting into his car, probably to follow me. After 10 minutes I finally got to the hospital and I jumped out of my car. I ran inside the hospital and slammed my hands on the check in desk.

"I'm here for Luca Miles, I'm his father and brother."

"Okay sir, please have a seat in the waiting room. The doctor will be with you after his surgery."

"Surgery?!" I screamed.

"Storm, calm down." Jackson said.

"Don't tell me to calm down! Why is he in surgery?!" I yelled.

"To stitch up his wounds and he must of landed wrong when collapsing because he had a bad head injury and a hurt shoulder." She said. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I shook my head and walked over to the waiting room and collapsed onto the couch. I put my face in my hands and started to cry. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up and saw Evan there with a sad look. He sighed and said,

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I nodded and followed him outside. "Storm, you cannot blame yourself."

"But it's my fault! I'm supposed to take care of him, not let him slit his wrist!"

"But it was Luca's choice," He said.

"But why would he choose to do this?" I asked.

"Probably couldn't take it anymore. Storm, I know you may think I'm clueless about this stuff but I'm not. Here, I'll show you." He said and pulled up his sleeves. My eyes widened at how many scars there were.

"Woah. . ." I breathed out.

"Yeah, I guess so. I've been in his situation before and trust me, it's not fun. Just try to relax and after this I'll talk to him. Storm, I love you two as if you were my own and I don't want anything to happen to either of you. But since this did happen I'm going to take charge from now on. I'm not saying you're a bad father, but sometimes it takes someone whose experienced a suicide attempt to get it through their heads." He said. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks, Evan." We went back into the waiting room and I saw the doctor coming out of the operation room. He had blood on his coat and had a mask around his neck.

"Which one of you is Strom?" He asked.

"I am!" He gave me a very sad look and said something that made me fall to my knees.

"He died. . ."

*I'm crying! how could I do that to Luca! Well I hope you enjoyed it anyway. Tell me what you think in the comments about Luca's death and what emotions your feeling. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! Love you all <3*

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