Chapter 38

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*Since some of you asked for a sex scene on the wedding chapter I decided to put one in. If you don't like it, just skip that part.*

(Storm's Pov)

*4 months later*

"You have no idea how amazing you look!" Tyler said as he fixed my tie. I smiled nervously and nodded.

"Thanks, you look pretty damn good yourself." I said and winked at him. He slapped my arm playfully and said

"Bad Storm! No flirting on your wedding day!" He said. Ah yes, it's my wedding day. It came by so fast and you have no idea how nervous I am. We're not having the normal church wedding, no were having a beautiful outside wedding. My tux is black and red while all the flowers are black on the arbor. This is my dream wedding and I can't believe I'm actually having it! I sighed and sat down in my chair. "What are you thinking about?" Tyler asked while grabbing my makeup and started doing my foundation and eyes for me.

"Just about how perfect this is." I said.

"Aw, I'm happy your happy!" He said.  I laughed and Evan knocked and came in.

"Storm, it's time." He said. I nodded and got up. He grabbed my arm and linked it with his and we walked outside. I heard the music start playing and I felt my stomach start to fill up with anxiety. Everyone turned to see Evan and I walking down the aisle. Some of our friends and family had tears in their eyes and others were smiling. I looked ahead and saw Jackson standing there next to the preacher. He was wearing a black and white tux and he looked amazing. I felt myself want to cry tears of joy but held them in. I got to Jackson and Evan smiled and let go of me. "Good luck, Kiddo." He whispered and stood next to Tyler and Brandon. Jackson took both of my hands and stared at into my eyes while the preacher started talking. I was listening yet I was so lost in Jackson's eyes I couldn't hear a word he said.

"Do you, Jackson Rider take Storm Miles to be your husband?" I felt my heart stop and Jackson smiled at me.

"I do." He said. I bit my lip and the preacher turned to me.

"Do you, Storm Miles take Jackson Rider to he your husband?" He said.

"I.... I do." I said.

"I now pronounce you Mr. Storm Rider, you may kiss your husband." He said and Jackson pulled me into the most passionate kiss I've ever gotten. I closed my eyes and everyone cheered for us. I pulled away and he smiled at me.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I said and we walked down the aisle holding hands and into the building. After the reception we ran outside into his car with everyone cheering. They all waved to us as we drove off to wherever Jackson was taking us. I guess I must of dosed off because by the time I woke up we were at some hotel. I looked at Jackson who had a huge smile on his face and smiled at him. "Where are we?" I said. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine.

"We're at the hotel I booked for our honeymoon." He said. I smiled and we got out. He checked us in and got the key. I followed him to the room and as soon he shut the door he pushed me down onto the bed and started kissing me. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I gave it to him. We battled for dominance and he of course won. He pulled away and started kissing my neck. I gasped and moaned as he found my sweet spot and started biting it. He stopped and leaned up and took his shirt off, letting me see his tan abs. He smirked and stared taking off my shirt.

"I love you so much." He whispered, kissing me again. I smiled and threw my shirt on the ground. He pulled away and started to kiss down my chest and to the waistline of my pants. He looked up at me and I nodded to let him know to keep going. He pulled down my pants and smirked as he did so. After I kicked them off he slowly pulled down my boxers. I blushed as he took my member into his hand and started to jerk me off. I moaned and my hips bucked up causing him to chuckle.

"Don't resist." He said. I bit my lip and nodded. He started go faster and he leaned up and started to kiss me again. After 5 minutes of him jerking me off and making out with him he stopped and motioned for me to take his pants off. I smirked and slowly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down. I saw he was hard, causing him to blush this time. I started to pull down his boxers and his member came popping out. I laughed at the nervous look he had in his face and took him into my mouth, causing him to gasp. I started bobbing my head up and down and swirling my tongue around. I did anything I thought would make him feel good.

He started moaning loudly and I knew he was close so I stopped. He understood why and went to the drawer and pulled out a condom and bottle of lube.

I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said and laid me down on my back. He put some lube on me and put his member at my entrance. I gasped when he slowly put it in. I bit my lip from the pain but luckily it didn't hurt as worse as the first time. He leaned down and kissed my lips and said "Tell me when it stops hurting." I nodded and he started to thrust into me. I gasped and moaned in pleasure. He kept getting faster and faster and I was soon screaming his name in pleasure.

"Jackson... ah!" I came all over my chest and he screamed out my name and came. He collapsed on me and we soon fell asleep.

"Storm! Are you ready?" Jackson said. I spit into the sink and washed my mouth and toothbrush.

"Yeah!" I said. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jackson sitting on the bed.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah but first let me call Tyler to make sure everything is alright with Jake and Luca." I said. He nodded and I called Tyler who picked up on the third ring.

"Storm!" Tyler said.

"Hey, Tyler." I said.

"Stormie, you're supposed to be on your honeymoon! Why are you calling?" He said. I chuckled and said

"I wanted to check in, see how everyone is doing."

"Everything is fine, now get back to your honeymoon!" I laughed and nodded.

"Okay, okay! Goodbye Tyler." He said goodbye and I hung up. Jackson smiled at me and said

"Everything good?"

"Yeah, now let's get to lunch." He took my hand and led me out to his car and we started driving to the restaurant.

*I hope you all enjoyed this! I'll be writing the epilogue and then this is over! I'm going to miss this story... *sigh* tell me what you think and the comments! And don't forget to vote. Love you all!*

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