Chapter 27

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(Storm's Pov)

I fell to my knees and put my arms over my head like you would do to protect yourself from glass. Well right now I'm protecting myself from reality. The doctor just told me Luca is dead. . .

"He died during surgery." He finished. I looked up at him and started sobbing.

"But. . ." He said.

"What?!" I said.

"We were able to revive him," He said. I felt a smile break out on my face and I got up and hugged Jackson so tight that he couldn't breathe. But he was doing the same.

"He's alive!" I said and cried tears of joy into his shoulder. I pulled away and he wiped away my tears.

"Can we see him?" Brandon asked.

"He's asleep but three of you can go in."

"I think Storm and my parents should go," Tyler said. We all agreed and the doctor led us down the hall and stopped in front of room 47A.

"Now, you need to be very careful with him. His arm is in a sling for his shoulder and he has a head injury so he needs to keep that iced. Just try not to stress him out too much," the doctor said. We all nodded and he left down the hall. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I saw two people in there, Luca and this other boy that had his throat and wrists wrapped. Luca had his arm in a sling, a ice pack on his head, and his arms were wrapped. They both were asleep so we walked in slowly and carefully as to not wake them up. I sat in the chair next to Luca's bed and put my head down on it while holding his hand. Brandon came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder for comfort.

"Luca?" I whispered. "Luca, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was this serious, it's all my fault. I should've been there for you," I said with tears running down my face. I saw Brandon had tears in his eyes too and Evan came over and hugged him. That's when we heard coughing from the other bed. We all looked over and saw the boy awake and sitting up in bed looking at us. He took out a whiteboard and marker and started writing on it.

"Hello," He wrote.

"Um, hi." I said nervously.

"Is that my new roommate?"

"I suppose so," Evan said. The boy looked over Luca and stopped at his arms. He sighed and shook his head sadly.

"They always do this." He wrote.

"Always do what?" I asked.

"Take the greatest people and make them suffer the most." He wrote.

"How do you know?" Brandon asked.

"Because I'm a victim too. I tried to slit my throat and wrist but failed." He wrote. Our eyes widened and we stared at him in shock.

"Is that why you can't talk, because of your throat?" Evan asked. He nodded and wrote,

"Sorry about your brother."

"How'd you know he was my brother?" I asked.

"I heard the Doctors talking."

"Oh okay."

"Well I should probably sleep more, I'll talk to you later." He wrote before rolling over. I took Luca's hand again and squeezed it. His eyes fluttered open and he gasped and sat up really fast.

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