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(Storm's Pov)

*Four years later*

"Time for dinner!" I yelled out the door. Jake and Luca came running in and sat at the dining room. "Hey boys, how was soccer practice?" I asked.

"It was great! What's for dinner?" Jake said. Jake and Luca are now 17 and in high school. Luca is captain of the soccer team and Jake is his teammate. Jake hasn't cut for four years and Luca is just the same. They still have to go to therapy but that's expected.

"Your favorite, spaghetti." I said.

"Awesome! When's Jackson coming home?" Jake said. I sighed and looked at the time.

"He should of been here already... he's late." I said. Jackson's never late... It's been four years since we got married and it's been the best four years of my life.

"I'm home!" Jackson said, coming through the front door. I turned around, ready to question him when he pulled out a bouquet of black roses from behind his back. I stopped dead in my tracks and felt a small smile come to my lips.

"Jackson..." I said. He walked over to me and handed me the flowers. That's when I remembered... it's our anniversary. I felt tears come to my eyes and I bit my lip.

"Shhh, don't say anything." He said.

"But I forgot! How could I! I'm a terrible person, I-" I was cut off by him kissing me. I saw Luca and Jake wink at us and went into the living room.

"I said don't say anything." Jackson said. I nodded and he said "I understand why you forgot, with all that you've been doing I'm surprised you even remembered my birthday last week. It's okay that you forgot, so please don't beat yourself up over it.

"But Jackson! I forgot our four year anniversary, how can you not be mad at me right now?" I said.

"Because I'm too in love with you to let this change that. I know you love me, I don't need some gift to show that." He said. I sniffled and wiped my tears and nodded. I kissed him again and then picked up the flowers.

"They're beautiful, Jackson. Thank you." I said and hugged him. He chuckled and said

"I thought you'd like them." I smiled and then called the boys in for dinner.

"You can come back in now!" I said.

"You guys are relationship goals." Jake said. I chuckled and passed out the food.

"Speaking of relationships, how are you and Riley doing?" I asked Luca. Luca smiled a little and said

"G-good, we w-went on a d-date last night." Yep, Luca and Riley are still going strong four years later. Riley has grown up to be a nice, hyper, young man while Luca is still shy and reserved. He still has his hair dyed blue while Riley still has longish brown hair. It's rare when Riley isn't over here with Luca or Luca isn't with Riley. They are completely and utterly in love. I smiled and said

"That's good!" We ate talking about random things and then we went into the living room to watch TV for a little bit. After we all went upstairs and got ready for bed.

"Hey, Storm?" Jackson said, fixing his pillow. I peeked my head out from the bathroom and said


"Do you ever think about your parents?" I looked a little taken back, I mean he's never brought them up before.

"Sometimes... why?" I asked.

"You never actually ever told me what they were like." I sighed and said

"They were cruel selfish people who never thought of anyone but themselves. I don't know where they are today and I don't care." Jackson nodded and sighed.

"I'm sorry I brought it up." I shrugged.

"It's no big deal." I said. I finished brushing my teeth before walking over to our bed and getting in. Jackson immediately wrapped his strong arms around me and I snuggled into him.

"Storm?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I said.

"I love you so much..." He sounded close to tears and I turned around to face him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just was thinking of how stupid I was when I was 17." I smiled and smacked his arm.

"Hush, if it wasn't for your stupidity we wouldn't be together." I said. He smiled and leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Thanks, love you." He said.

"I love you too."

"I love you three." He said and I smiled.

"I love you forever..." I whispered and fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

*That's it! I hope you all enjoyed this story, leave me a comment telling me what you think. Don't forget to vote! Love you all!"

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