Chapter 12

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I walked into the house to find Luca screaming and thrashing around on the couch. I dropped everything and ran up to him and held him down. "L-let me g-go! S-stop it!" Luca screamed.

"Luca! Calm down, it's me Storm!"  His eyes snapped open and he started crying and breathing heavily. I hugged him and he started sobbing into my chest. I have a great day and then this happens, yeah thanks. I know it's not his fault and I'm not blaming him, I'm just saying everything bad that could happen does. Luca pulled away and started wiping his face. He had a angry look on his face. "Luca?" I asked softly.

"I-I just w-want it to g-go a-aw-way!" He screamed. I bit my lip and stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"Want what to go away," I asked.

"E-everyth-thing!" He said and stood up and started pacing.

"Luca, maybe we should talk about therapy," I said softly. He stopped and stared at me in horror.

"No! I-I don't w-want to go," he said with tears rolling down his face. I felt my heart break a little seeing him like this.

"Luca, it's for the best. Please understand," I said and stood up.

"No, y-you can't m-make me!" He said.

"I can and I will." He glared at me and shook his head.

"I h-hate you," he said. He bit his lip and ran upstairs. I fell down onto the couch and felt my heart shatter. I put my face in my hands and sighed.

"What am I going to do?" I asked out loud. It's time like this I wish we had parents. I wouldn't have to be making this decision and Luca wouldn't hate me. I'm only doing this for his own good! Why can't he see that? I sighed and stood up. I looked at the clock and saw it was ten already. I'm tired and don't really feel like doing anything so I decided to go to bed. I'll deal with Luca in the morning. I walked over to where I dropped my stuff and picked up my owl and started walking to the stairs. I slowly walked up the stairs and into my room. I shut my door and put my back against it. I slid down the door and hugged my knees to my chest. "He hates me," I whispered. I felt tears sting my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. Why am I getting so worked up?

"Maybe because the one person who's supposed to count on you, hates you now," A little voice in my head said. Great, now I'm hearing things. I sighed and stood up. I went into the bathroom, changed into a t-shirt and black pajama pants. I looked at myself and my face was a mess. My makeup was running on my cheeks from the tears. I got myself cleaned up before going to bed. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me. "S-stormie,"  Luca whispered. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Huh?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I quickly sat up in bed and turned on my lamp. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry. Please f-forgive me." I hugged him and sighed.

"I was never mad at you."

"I-I don't h-hate you," he whimpered out. I smiled a little and rubbed his back.

"I know. Why are you so upset?" I asked. I pulled away and wiped his tears.

"I h-had a nightmare ag-gain," he said. I gave him a sad look and shook my head.

"Want to sleep here?" He nodded his head and I saw he had his blanket and pillow. I put them on my bed and he laid down. I turned out the light and saw he was still shaken up from the nightmare. I decided to sing to him again since it seemed to work last time. I started singing 'The light behind your eyes' by My chemical romance and ran my hand through his hair.

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