Chapter 32

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(Storm's pov)

"Stormie, Storm, wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Jake in front  of me, I looked at the clock and saw it was 6 in the morning. I sat up and yawned.

"Yeah?" I said tiredly.

"I feel sad." He said.

"How do you feel sad?" I asked. This is what we do instead of him cutting himself, he just comes to me.

"I feel like I wanna cry and I just feel empty. I feel like I need to cut." He said. I scooted over and sat crisscross on my bed. He climbed on and sat there facing me. He sighed and looked down at his scarred covered arms. "Please just let me cut once." He begged.

"Jake, what kind of parent would I be if I let you do that? I'd be a terrible parent." I said.

"I know but it's the only thing that helps me cope." He said.

"Have you ever tried doing something creative with your feelings?" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Like writing, drawing, music, things like that." I said tiredly.

"I'm not good at any of them things." He said. 

"Jake, you don't have to be good at it, you just have to try it." I said.

"I guess your right." He said.

"How about this, tomorrow we'll go down to the crafts place. You still need to meet my boyfriend Jackson so that way you can meet him and try to see if art gets your mind off of things." I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Storm." He said and went back to his room. As soon as he shut my door I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. I woke up the next morning to Luca screaming.

"LUCA?!" I yelled and ran to the door. I swung it opened and ran down the hall and into the bathroom. My eyes widened and I saw Jake on the bathroom floor, covered in blood with his knees up to his chest. He just kept repeating the same thing over and over.

"I'm sorry..." I debated on what to do, should I call someone? No, that would get him take away. I crouched down next to him and said

"Jake, Jake come on. Jake, stop saying your sorry, It's not your fault." I said gently. He looked up at me with his glassy green eyes and sobbed. I told Luca to turn on the shower and to go to his room. He did and I got up and lifted Jake up. He wouldn't calm down and he needed to get cleaned up. I put him in the shower and got in, fully clothed and everything. I would say he's in shock so I turned him to me and shook him. He looked at me and I moved some hair out of his face.

"Storm?" He choked out. I sighed and looked at him sadly.

"Jake, why would you do this to yourself?"

"I-I don't know." He sobbed. I sighed and took his hands in mine. I turned his arms around and let the warm water wash away all the blood. He hissed at the pain and I apologized.

"Don't be sorry, I deserve it." He said. I shook my head and grabbed the soap. I put it on a soft wash cloth and started cleaning the dried blood off of him. He winced and complained about it hurting and I kept apologizing. After he was all clean I got out of the shower and I told him to wait here while I go get him some dry clothes. My clothes were soaked and clinging to my body.

 I went into my bathroom. I put on purple skinny jeans and black t-shirt. My hair was a mess from getting it wet while it wasn't combed. I sighed and walked out of my bathroom. I walked into Jake's room and got him a pair of red jeans, a black t-shirt, and the first aid kit. I walked back into the bathroom to see him shivering. I handed him a towel and his clothes and he thanked me. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room. He came in my room and gave me the first aid kit. He had his arms crossed so I couldn't see the cuts. I sighed and he had tear streaks on his face. I hugged him and he burried his head into my chest. "Jake, we can't keep doing this." I sighed and pulled back to look him in his eyes.

"I know." He whispered.

"Jake, let me see your cuts." I said. He put his arms out and I felt my heart break as I saw how many times he cut himself. There were at least 50 some cuts on his right arm and 30 some on the other.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"No Jake, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was this bad." I said. He bit his lip and I sighed. I told him to sit on my bed and I wrapped his arms up.

"Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome. Now let's just forget this happened. But you need to give me your razor." I said. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a razor.He handed it to me and I put it in my locked drawer. I turned to him and saw he was looking down at the ground with a guilty look on his face. I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. "Jake, you don't have to feel guilty, I know how hard it is to stop but please, try harder." I said. He nodded and hugged me.

"I will." He said.

"Good, now let's go get some breakfast."  I said and he followed me out the door. I ran down the steps and saw Luca in the kitchen on his phone. He looked up and I smiled at him and he smiled back. He glanced at Jake's arms and quickly looked away. Jake sat down across from him and sighed.

"I'm sorry for scaring you today." Jake said. Luca smiled at him.

"N-not your f-fault." Luca said. I smiled and got the egg carton out and some pancake mix.

"Jackson, Kyle, and Tyler should be here any minute now." I said, a few seconds later the kitchen door opened and they all came in. I smiled at them as I mixed up the pancake batter.

"Good morning." Jackson said and hugged me, I hugged him back and pulled away after a few seconds. I finished mixing the batter and started making pancakes for everyone.

"Jake, this is Jackson my boyfriends, that's Tyler my best friend, and that's Kyle Tyler's boyfriend." I said. He smiled at them and waved. I finished making the food and handed everyone a plate. We all sat down and ate and made small talk.

"So ready to go?" Jackson said and we all nodded and got into the car to go to the crafts center.

*Sorry it's short, I hope you all like it! Don't forget to comment and vote. Love you all! <3*

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