Chapter Nine

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*Picture is of Brandon (Tyler's dad)*

(Jackson's Pov)

I walked into lunch and bought my food. It was just a cheeseburger and a Pepsi. I walked over to my table where the guys were all talking about something that I wasn't interested in. They immediately shut up when I sat down and I looked at them. "What?" I asked and Michael rolled his eyes at me.

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Michael asked like it was obvious.

"Oh that, he said he would go on a date with me." They all looked shocked and Kyle rolled his eyes at us.

"Storm, the quiet emo kid, said he would go on a date with you?" Marcus said. I nodded my head. For some reason, I felt bad when he called him emo. It's not like I care whether or not his feelings are hurt.

"Yeah, now let's just drop it. I already have to be gay for three months, no need to talk about it," I said like I was disgusted. Truth is, I don't want them suspecting anything. Kyle rolled his eyes at my statement.

"Whatever you say," Kyle said. I swear, he is getting on my last nerve. He's supposed to be my best friend but every time the bet is brought up he gets this attitude. Maybe I should have listened to him. If I don't listen to him about something he usually lets it go, but this time he just won't give up. He's just being a baby, I'm not doing anything wrong.

(Storm's Pov)

I walked down the hall with a frown on my face. Aren't you supposed to be happy when you get a date with the school football star? Why do I feel terrible? I'm supposed to be jumping for joy right now! But I can't stop worrying and regretting that I agreed to this date. It just doesn't feel right.

I walked into the lunch room and to our table. Tyler was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an iced coffee while playing on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled but frowned instantly when he saw how I looked.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I forced a smile and shook my head.

"Nothing is wrong."

"Storm, did Jackson do something to you? I swear to god if he did anything to you, I will-" I cut him off quickly, not wanting to see him mad.

"Calm down! He didn't do anything, well he did do something, but it wasn't bad! I'm not upset! Why would I be upset when I just got a date with the hottest guy in school?" I said. I needed to say something to get him to believe me. The anger on his face was completely replaced with happiness.

"You got a date with Jackson? Way to go Storm!" Tyler put his hand out to high-five and I rolled my eyes. I still high-fived him and he laughed. "You have no idea how happy I am for you! I didn't even know Jackson was gay?" Tyler said. I nodded my head.

"Neither did I," I said and rested my cheek on my hand.

"When and where?" Tyler questioned while taking a sip of his iced coffee.

"Tomorrow and the carnival," I said. He set his coffee down and I stole it and took a drink.

"Sure have a sip," he said while rolling his eyes. I smiled at him and gave it back to him. He took it and put it on his tray. "Well, I'm really happy for you but I just want you to be careful," Tyler said. Just as he said that the bell rang. We got up from the table, said goodbye, and I started walking to the gym.

This school day went by all too slow. Gym was really boring because all we did was watch a video on the new unit, which is volleyball. We did the same thing in science that we always do, and everything else was just lectures. The final bell rang and everyone raced to get out the door. "See you tomorrow!" The teacher yelled to everyone as I exited the room. I walked over to my locker where Tyler was already standing.

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