Chapter 16

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(Storms Pov)

"Luca, please talk to me." I said. We are in the car driving to the therapy office right now. Luca's mad at me and I hate it. He just kept glaring out the window and I sighed. I pulled into the parking lot and I heard a sniffle.

"P-please don't m-make me do t-this." Luca said. I sighed and turned off the car.

"I'm not doing it to be mean." I said and got out. I went around to his side, opened the door, and pulled him out. I took his hand and pulled him into the office where the secretary smiled at us.

"Hello, sir, how can I help you?" She said.

"I have an appointment for Luca Miles." She nodded and typed something into the computer.

"She'll be right with you, just have a seat." She said and I pulled him with me on to the couch.

"Luca, you'll be fine." I said.

"No I-I won't." He said. I sighed and stopped talking.

"Hello, Mr. Miles." A lady said.

"Hello," I said standing up and shook her hand. She gave me a kind smile and turned to Luca.

"Hello, Luca, you wanna come on back with me?" She asked.  Luca got up and followed her back. I got out my phone and started occupying myself.

(Luca's Pov)

I followed the lady, who introduced herself as Dr. Miller back to the room. She sat at a big brown desk and I sat in a chair in front of her.

"Luca, I can tell your upset. You wanna tell me why?'' She said.

"B-because my stupid b-brother." I grumbled. She gave me a sad look.

"I'm sure you don't mean that. Luca, what happened in your past that has you so shaken up." She said. I felt myself get stiff. I bit my lip and shook my head not wanting to remember. I decided to tell her because Storm told me to.

"M-my uncle, h-he tried to kill S-Stormie and me." She wrote something down on her notebook and told me to go on.

"I don't remember much. H-he used to hit Storm, and h-he would. . ." I started sobbing and she gave me a tissue. "He w-would abuse us and c-call u-us names." I said. "I wasn't a-aloud to sleep i-i-in a b-b-bed."

Where would you sleep?" She asked gently.

"In a d-dog cage." I said crying harder.

"Okay I think that's enough for today. Luca, have you ever hurt yourself?" She asked. I nodded. "Where?"

"On my th-thighs." I said.

"I'm going to talk to your brother. Stay here." She said. I sat there and curled into a ball, scared to death of what Storm is going to do.

"Hey," I heard Storm say. I looked up and Storm was looking at me with a sad look in his eyes.

"H-hi.'' I choked out. He moved some hair out of my face before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him and put my head in the crook of his neck and cried.

(Storm's Pov)

I felt like the worst person ever. My little brother cuts himself. . . Why would he cut himself? I carried him out to the car and opened the door. I put him in and he curled into a ball. I sighed sadly and buckled him in. I got in and turned to him.

"Luca, we need to talk." I said. His crying turned into sniffles and he turned to me. His eyes were red and puffy and he had tears trailing down his face. I put my hand on his cheek and sighed. "Why?" I whispered.

"I c-couldn't take it a-anymore. I deserved i-it." He said, wiping his eyes. I felt tears in my eyes and I reached over and hugged him. I started crying and shook my head.

"Don't ever say you deserved it! You didn't deserve it at all." I said.

"But t-thhey told me I-I do.''

"Who's they?" I said, pulling away and wiping my smeared eyeliner.

"The kids a-at s-school." He said. I felt my anger rise and I buckled up and started driving to his school. "What a-are you d-doing?"

"I'm going to talk to your principal. You stay in the car." I said. I saw him nod and pulled into the school parking lot. I got out of the car and slammed the door. I ran up to the main entrance and opened the doors. I walked into the office and the secretary looked at me.

"Hello, sir, may I help you with something?" She said.

"Yes, I need to talk to your principal." I growled out. She bit her lip and nodded. She picked up and phone and started talking.

"Yes, there's a young man who needs to see you. Alright I'll send him in." She said.

She motioned for me to go through the door and I went and opened it. The principal looked at me, startled.

"Please, have a seat." He said, motioning to the seat in front of his desk. "My name is Mr. Tiller, may I ask why your here?"

"My name is Storm Miles, I'm the brother and father of Luca Miles. We need to talk about some bullying and how it's gotten out of control." I said in a angry tone.

"Yes, please explain."

"Luca has been told to hurt himself." I said.

"I don't think it's that big of deal, I mean I think your overreacting." That caused me to get really angry.


"Mr. Miles, I had no idea Luca hurt himself because of it. Tomorrow I'll call Luca into my office to get names and we'll deal with this. I apologize for being so unaware of the problem."

"Thank you." I said, calming down.

"Now if that's all, I have work to do." He said. I nodded and got up. I walked out of the school and into my car where Luca looked at me with a nervous look.

"They're going to call you into the office tomorrow for names." He nodded and looked out the window. I sighed again and drove home. We went into the house and I turned to Luca.

"We need to talk." I said and sat on the couch. He bit his lip and nodded before slowly sitting down. He put his head down so his hair was in his face.

"Luca, I understand the cutting." I said.

"You d-do?" He whispered, looking up at me with tears in his eyes again.

"I used to cut." I admitted. He looked at me in shock.


"You know how I used to be bullied really bad and with the abuse. . . I just couldn't handle it." I said. He nodded slowly.

"I u-understsnd. I'm sorry f-for hurting m-myself." He said sniffling.

"No, I'm sorry for not realizing how much this was hurting you." I said hugging him. "Luca, I love you so much. If anything were to ever happen to you, God I don't know what I would do." I said.

"R-really?" He croaked out.


"I love y-you too." He said.

"Alright, let's go make dinner." I said. We went into the kitchen and stared making dinner and talking.

* The video is Kelin Quinn singing the song Iris. I think it fits the chapter. Just a filler chapter. Sorry if it sucks, I was trying to make it emotional. just to show you the brother bond they have. Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

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