Chapter One

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Beep, beep, beep ,be-!

I slammed my hand down on my alarm before it could make any more of that horrible noise. If you haven't guessed it, I'm not a morning person. I pry my eyes open and glance at the clock. It read six-thirty, I don't have to be at school until eight a.m. but I need to get ready and make sure Luca is ready. I crawled out of my warm bed and went into the bathroom to get a shower. Once the water heated up I stripped down and stepped into the hot water. I can't stand cold water so I always have it extremely hot to where it makes your skin red. I washed my hair and body before turning off the water and getting out. I towel dried my self and plugged in my straighter to wait for it to heat up and while I was waiting I blow dried my hair. I combed out all the knots and once I heard the familiar beep I did my hair. After I brushed my teeth and did every thing else I went to my closet with a towel wrapped around my waste and picked out a plain black, tight fitting t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a black and blue checkered belt, black and blue beanie, and my black and blue fingerless gloves. I felt like those would be my colors for today. I then went over to my dresser, got out my makeup and did my eyes. As soon as I was done I looked at the clock and saw it was already seven o'clock. I grabbed my book bag, ran out of my room, down the steps, and into the kitchen. After setting my bag on the counter I got 3 poptarts and 3 glasses and filled them with some orange juice. Tyler comes over every morning so I usually make something or set something out for him, too. As I set the poptarts down I heard the kitchen door open and saw Tyler come in. "Good morning!"

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. We're both gay but we would never date. That would be awkward if we were to break up or anything. "Morning," I replied back. As soon as I sat down Luca came in with his bag ready for school.

"Good morning, Luca!" Tyler said and Luca smiled at him.

"G-Good m-morn-ning." Luca has a stutter so he doesn't like to talk to much.

"Morning," I replied again. We all ate our food and stuff and then got ready to go. I looked at the clock again and saw it was seven-fifteen. We still had forty-five minutes. I took my trash and glass to the garbage and sink. I then grabbed my bag and waited while Tyler and Luca did the same."Ready to go?" I asked and they both nodded their heads. I went out the front door and got into the drivers side of my car. Tyler got into the passenger side while Luca got Into the back. I started the car and pulled out of our driveway and down to the school. I stopped in front of Frankveiw middle school and gave Luca a reassuring smile. He gets bullied even though he won't admit it, I know he does. I can tell by the way he acts and looks at people. "Bye, love you," I said and he smiled at me and got out of the car.

"L-L-Love you, t-too, s-see yo-ou lat-t-ter, Ty."

Tyler smiled at him and waved. I pulled out back onto the main roads and down the street to the high school. "So, how have you been?" Tyler said, trying to start a conversation.

I glanced at him and then back at the road. "Fine." Tyler looked at me and I glanced at his face again. This time I could see in his eyes that he didn't believe me.

"Whatever you say," he said with a sigh. "Well, got anything interesting planned for today?"

I mentally sighed in relief of him changing the subject. I thought about what I had to do today and shook my head no. "No, just school and hanging out with you," I replied slowing down as we approached the school. I parked my car and got my stuff and got out. Tyler did the same and walked up beside me.

"You're boring." He pouted and crossed his arms like a child as we walked.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the most interesting person in the world. If you want a friend like that then I suggest you go and look somewhere else." He tapped his chin as if he were thinking and looked at me with a playful smile.

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