Chapter Seven

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(Storm's Pov)

After I texted Jackson goodnight I fell back onto my bed. What have I done? I can't talk to him! What does he want to talk to me about anyway? All these thoughts were going through my head and I was starting to panic. Why did I give him my number? It's not like I even like him! But why wouldn't I like him? He seems nice and doesn't seem like he's going to do anything bad, right? I need a drink of water. I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got a bottle of water and took a drink. "Wh-what are y-you doing?" I heard Luca ask. I turned around and saw him. He was wearing neon green pajama pants and a red oversized t-shirt. It wasn't that late, only nine-fifteen now.

"Nothing, just getting a drink of water. What are you doing?" I asked him and sat down at the kitchen table. He sat down, too, and sighed.

"I don't know. I-I'm b-bored," Luca said and rested his head on the table.

"You seem tired," I said. He shrugged and mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "Excuse me?" I said. He lifted his head up and turned to me with a tired look on his face.

"I s-said I am t-tired. B-but, I can't sleep," Luca said. I sighed and nodded my head. He's always had trouble sleeping ever since- Well, I rather not go into that right now. But he always gets really bad nightmares.

"I understand. Why don't we go watch a movie? It will help take our mind off things," I said.

"Why yours?" Luca asked. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"Jackson texted me and wants to talk to me tomorrow at lunch," I said. Luca instantly broke out into a excited smile and he laughed.

"Really? I-I hope e-everyt-thing goes okay." I smiled at him and stood up. I walked out into the living room and pushed the couch back. I'm going to make a bed on the floor. We used to watch movies together when we were younger and we still like to do it. I ran upstairs and went into his room and got his bright orange cover, careful not to let any of his plush toys to fall on the floor, and I went into my room and got my black cover and carefully walked down the stairs with them, don't want to trip and die. After setting them on the couch for now I went into the closet and got five really big sheets and a whole bunch of pillows. After I laid them out and made a mattress out of pillows and blankets I laid my cover on one side and his on the other. I put some pillows for our heads where they belong and then turned to Luca who was standing in the kitchen doorway with a small smile on his face.

"Done, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked. He smiled and walked over to the cabinet we keep the movies in. He pulled out The fox and the hound and I laughed.

"Really?" I said. He nodded his head happily.

"I l-love this movie." He handed it to me and got underneath his cover. I turned out the lights and turned on the movie and got myself comfortable. I have to admit, I really like this movie, too. See? I'm childish sometimes. The whole reason I did this is because I'm hoping it will help Luca out. He seems to be really bothered with something lately and I just hate it when he's upset. Half way through the movie I glanced at Luca and saw his eyes were closed and his breathing was soft. He's asleep. I got the remote and turned the TV off and rolled over so I was on my side. I plugged in my phone and made sure the alarm was on before drifting off to sleep.

*Hey, I know it's really short but this is just sort of a filler chapter. It's just to show you Storm and Luca's relationship and how they act as brothers. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment, that would really mean a lot to me. :D <3*

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