Chapter 34

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(Storm's pov)

I cheered Luca on as he kicked the ball into the goal. We were at tryouts and Luca was on the field with the rest of the boys playing soccer. Jake was sitting next to me cheering Luca on too, along with all the other parents. Luca has scored over 5 goals so far and I could hear the parents talking about him, calling him the little blue haired boy. "Did you see that?! He's amazing! I hope Billy gets as good as him." A woman said from behind us. The timer rang and the coach called all the boys over to the locker rooms so they could get changed. Luca, being so insecure about changing in front of people came over to me panting from running so much.

"You did amazing!" I said. He smiled and said

"T-thanks, I h-hope I g-get on the t-team." Jake laughed and shook his head.

"Are you crazy?! Of course you'll get on the team! Everyone was talking about how good you were doing!" He said. Luca smiled and said

"Wow, I-I c-can't believe t-that!" Jake put a hand on his shoulder and chuckled.

"Believe my friend, you have a gift for playing soccer." He said. Luca nodded and I smiled.

"Let's get home, they'll call us as soon as they choose who's going to be on the team." I said. They nodded and we all drove home. Once home Luca and Jake went up to their rooms and I sat on the couch. I was about to turn on the TV when my phone went off. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey Storm, I have a question for you." Jackson said. I smiled a little and said


"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date." He said, I smiled and nodded my head rapidly, even though he couldn't see it.

"Yes! That sounds great!" I said. I heard him laugh.

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight, love you." He said and hung up. I smiled and leaned back on the couch. Gosh I love that boy.

(Jackson's pov)

I hung up and walked out of my living room and went up to my bedroom. I looked in my closet and got out a pair of ripped red skinny jeans, a Bring me the horizon shirt, and a red beanie. I sighed and closed the box that said 'Old me'. Believe it or not, I still listen to the same music as Storm and I like to dress like I used to sometimes. I put all of it on and grabbed the tickets to the Pierce The Veil concert. I walked downstairs to make some lunch and saw my dad talking on the phone.

"You can't just do this to us Sharron!" He yelled. Sharron? Wasn't that my mom's name? Wait... Oh my god, why is my mother on the phone?! "No! I will not make him go through that! He blames himself that you left me and I don't need you backing him up!" It's true I do blame myself because if I was never born, that would still be together. "FUCK YOU TOO!" He yelled and slammed the phone down. He turned around and rubbed the back of his neck nervously when he saw me. "Oh Jackson, I didn't uh see you there..." He said. I smiled at him and shrugged.

"It's fine, I'll just pretend this never happened." I said. He smiled and looked at me curiously.

"Wow, no offence but I thought you were out of that phase. Not to be rude to Storm and all..." He said. I shrugged and said

"I'm taking him to a Pierce the Veil concert so yeah." I said awkwardly. He nodded and I went over to the fridge. I pulled out the jelly and peanut butter, yes we keep it in the fridge, and got some bread. I made my sandwich and walked out to the living room. Now to wait...

Yes! It's finally 7:50! I can go pick Storm up! You have no idea how excited I am for this concert. I ran out to my car and started driving to Storm's. I knocked on his door and he looked at me in shock.

"You look... different." He said. I chuckled and nodded at him.

"Well since we're going to concert I thought this would be appropriate." I said. He smiled and said

"We're going to a concert?!"

"Yep, Pierce the veil baby." I said and he laughed and followed me out to my car. We started driving to the venue and once there I gave the guy my tickets. He smiled at us and motioned for us to go inside. I thanked him and we got there just in time to see them come out.

After the concert I was still pumped up from all the excitement and so was Storm. "That was awesome!" Storm said. I smiled and leaned over and kissed him.

"I thought you'd like it." I said. He smiled and I started driving us to a restaurant for dinner. It was already eleven so a lot of places were closed. I finally pulled into a fast food place and we got out.

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's, how can I-" He stopped when he looked up at me. His eyes widened and he backed up. I looked at him confused until I read his name tag.

"Julian?" I whispered, scared to death at what he's about to do. Oh god, if Storm sees this, he'll hate me.

"You! Just stay away from me!" He said.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you." I said. He shook his head and lauhed bitterly.

"Yeah right! You promised that while we were dating and look where we are now!" He said. Storm gasped and looked at me confused.

"What does he mean?" Storm said.

"Nothing!" I said quickly. Julian laughed bitterly again and said

"I see you got yourself another toy to play with, do you beat him too?" He questioned. Storm's jaw dropped and he pointed at me.

"You... you beat him?" He whispered. I bit my lip and said

"Look, I know it seems bad but I can explain." I said. He shook his head and turned to Julian.

"I want him to tell me what happened." He said.

"Well everytime Jackson wouldn't get his way, he'd beat me. And when I say beat, I mean he left bruises and cuts on me." He said. The manager came out and looked at us 3.

"Is there a promblem here?"

"No, we were just leaving." I said and walked out to the car. Jackson got in and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

"Look, I can explain." He said.

"Just take me home." I said and he nodded. He took me home and let me out. I walked away silently and went up to my room to think about this.

*Hey! I know it's really bad and everything so I'm sorry for that. This story will be over soon so tell me what you think so far. Don't forget to comment! Love you all! <3*

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