Chapter Six

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(Storm's Pov)

Why is Jackson Rider standing in front of me? More importantly, why is he talking to me?! I realized I hadn't answered him yet and wanted to hit myself. He probably thinks I'm an idiot now. Wait a minute, why do I care what he thinks? "H-hey," I replied. I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. He laughed a little bit and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here tonight," Jackson said. I nodded my head and awkwardly looked at my feet. Huh, I never noticed how small my feet were. Wow, I'm really thinking about that right now? I mean here is Jackson Rider, a.k.a the hottest guy in school, standing right in front of me! I really need to work on my social skills.

"Yeah, I um w-was kind of dragged h-here," I said. Tyler still owes me a bag of dum dums for coming with him. I'll have to remind him once he gets back. Jackson nodded his head and looked around awkwardly. What does he want?

"So, I was wondering, maybe you want to hang out sometime?" he asked. I had to keep my jaw from dropping. Jackson wants to hang out with me? He's never even talked to me and we've gone to the same high school for four years!

"Y-You want to hang out with me? Why?" Great, I just had to ask why. I probably sound like the biggest loser right now. He chuckled and I looked up at him.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" he replied. Why is he being so nice to me? "Anyway here, put your number in my phone and I'll text you later." He handed me his phone and I quickly put my number in. I handed it back to him and he smiled and waved before walking off towards the rest of the team. I stood there in shock before I felt someone jump on me.

"Dude! Oh my glob! Did that really just happen?!" Tyler said while holding on to me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off.

"Why are you so happy? We were just talking," I said, still embarrassed about stuttering. He noticed and smiled brightly at me.

"AWE! That's adorable! You're embarrassed!" I rolled my eyes and pulled Luca towards the parking lot. Tyler quickly ran up besides me still smiling like the cheshire car.

"What?" I asked.

"Jackson Rider, the hottest guy in school, after Kyle of course just told you he was going to text you because he wanted to hang out. How are you not jumping for joy right now?! You should at least be freaking out or something!" Tyler said stopping in front of me and grabbing my shoulders. Luca had an amused look on his face and giggled. A look of realization came on my face and I stared wide eyed at Tyler.

"Oh no," I whispered. Tyler smirked and nodded his head.

"Oh yes," he said and stepped back.

I just gave him my phone number! I can't even talk to him! How are we supposed to hang out? We're not even friends! Why does he even want to?!" I said and started pacing back and forth while panicking. "It's probably just a joke, a stupid little prank to get me all excited and then for it to never happen," I said stopping and looking back and forth at Tyler and Luca. "Right?" They both shrugged and I groaned and stomped to the car. Childish, maybe, but I'm still freaking out! How the hell did I even get into this situation? We all got in and Tyler sighed.

"Calm down, this could be fun for you. You'll meet new people and you might get into a relationship," Tyler said.

"Jackson is as straight as Luca's hair," I said. Tyler laughed and shrugged.

"That's pretty straight, but you never know," Tyler sang.

(Jackson's Pov)

I saw Kyle look at Tyler before walking up to him. I looked at Storm and saw he had his usual emotionless look. Kyle and Tyler talked before Kyle came back over to us.

"Why were you over there?" I asked.

"Just wanted to say hi to Tyler. Why?" Kyle said and I shrugged.

"Just wondering," I said. I looked over at Storm again and saw he was alone. This could be my chance.

"I'm going to go and talk to Storm," I said. Kyle nodded his head. He looked like he didn't approve but I didn't care. I walked up behind Storm and said, "Hey, Storm." He turned around and stared at me with a surprised/confused look on his face. He still hadn't answered my,  and I was wondering if we was going to.

"H-hey," Storm said. I didn't expect his voice to be that deep. I mean it wasn't really deep but I thought he was going to have a really girly voice. I laughed at how nervous he sounded and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here tonight." He looked down at his feet and nodded.

"Yeah, I um w-was kind of dragged h-here," he said awkwardly. I decided I should probably cut to the chase since we're not really having a good conversation.

"So, I was wondering, maybe you want to hang out sometime?" I asked. He looked really surprised.

"Y-you want to hang out with me? Why?" Storm said. I chuckled at his question. Why do I want to hang out with him? I can't say 'oh I'm trying to win this bet. I need to hang out with you for it to work though.'

"Why wouldn't I want to?" I said. He still looked confused so I decided to just end the conversation here. "Anyway here, put your number in my phone and I'll text you later," I said and handed him my phone. He put his number in and handed it back to me. I waved goodbye and walked back over to the team.

"How'd it go?" Kyle asked and I shrugged at him.

"Okay I guess. It was really awkward." I looked back over at them and saw Storm dragging some blue haired kid behind him with Tyler laughing and running to catch up with them. Who's that kid? I've never seen him before, and he didn't look old enough to be in high school. "Who's that kid with them?" I asked.

"I don't know. Let's go get ready to leave," Kyle said. I nodded and followed him to the locker room. After I showered, got dressed, and drove home I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed. I feel really tired and all I want to do is sleep. But I can't, I said I would text Storm later. I looked at my phone and saw it was only 8:37. It's still early. Before I could do anything I heard a knock on my door and saw my dad come in.

"Hey, Jackson, how did the game go?" He asked.

"It went fine, I'm just really tired now," I said. He looked really tired, too. We make good money but that's only because he has a really good job. He works really hard and I can tell it's starting to get to him.

"That's good, I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight. There's stuff in the fridge if you want something to eat, goodnight," my dad said.

"Goodnight." He shut my door and I sighed. I got up and took off my jeans and shirt and went over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of plaid pajama pants and a black tank top. I changed into them and then went back over to my bed. I pulled out my phone and debated on what I should do. I went into my contacts and saw Storm's name. I pressed it and went to type a text.

'Hey its Jackson.' I pressed send and waited for a response. It wasn't long before I got one.

'Hi,' Storm sent. I smiled a little that he actually texted me back.

'I actually didn't expect you to text me back,' I said.

'Why wouldn't I text you back?' Storm sent.

'I don't know lol. Just me being stupid.' I honestly don't know what to talk about.

'Oh okay lol,' Storm sent back. Maybe I should just ask him out. No, that wouldn't be good.

'So, I was wondering if I could talk to you tomorrow,' I sent. I'll ask him out in person.

'Uh okay? Why?' Storm sent.

'Just something I need to ask you. I'll talk to you tomorrow during lunch. I should get going, I'm really tired after the game,' I sent.

'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight,' Storm sent. I put my phone away and turned out my light. I don't care if it's really early, I'm tired as hell. Tomorrow should be interesting though.

*Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote. <3*

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