Chapter 13

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*Trigger warning: contains self harm and bulimia!  If you could be triggered please skip Luca's Pov and just go straight to Jackson's. And if you feel like you need to talk, don't hesitate to message me! I don't want any of you going through this stuff alone.*

(Storm's Pov)

I woke up at around nine. Right now I'm making breakfast for Luca and me. Just some eggs, sausage, and toast. Luca woke up around the same time I did and is at the table on his phone.
"Stormie?" Luca said. I noticed he didn't stutter on the 'S' and smiled a little.


"C-can a friend c-come over to s-stay the night?" Luca asked. I thought about it and nodded.

"Sure, what do I have to do?" I asked.

"N-nothing." I nodded and put his breakfast on a plate. I sat down with mine and his and passed him his. He smiled at me and started to eat.

"You know, we're going to have to talk about yesterday," I said gently. He bit his lip and nodded. I gave him a gentle smile and he looked at me nervously.

"I'm s-sorry, I know I'm s-stupid. I n-never should h-have done that," Luca said.

"You're not stupid, stop calling yourself stupid. It's not your fault but therapy could help." He sighed and nodded.

"I kn-know. I'm just s-scared to t-talk about it." I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Then talk about the things you're comfortable with first. If you want I can go in with you at some point. Probably not at first though," I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Y-yeah, okay. Riley s-said you have t-t-to meet his p-parents but he h-has it covered." I nodded and continued eating. After we ate Luca went upstairs to his room and I cleaned up the dishes. After a little while I decided to check on him and saw the bathroom door was locked. My heart started racing and I banged on the door and started calling his name. He finally answered me and I felt relieved.

"What?" Luca said

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. . ." Luca said quietly and I left and went downstairs. Luca came down a little while later and started watching American Horror Story. I went up to my room and started drawing just to pass the time.

(Luca's Pov)

After breakfast I went into the bathroom and stepped in front of the toilet. I stuck a finger down my throat until I started gagging and then threw up everything I just ate. I've been doing this for two months now and I've been losing weight. I wiped and cleaned out my mouth and then flushed the toilet. I turned on the bath so it would be filling up. I took off my shirt and pants and sat on the toilet. I got out a razor and pulled up my boxers and looked at the scars and cuts on my thighs. I took a deep breath and started cutting into my thighs and slashing my legs. I looked at the blood running down my legs and bit my lip to keep from crying. I put everything away, wiped up some of the blood, took off my boxers, and got in my tub. I looked at the blood disappear into the water and sighed again. I dunked my head into the water and stayed there for a little until I started hearing something. I ignored it until it got louder and I sat up.

"Luca! Luca, answer me!" Storm said.

"What?!" I said and bit my lip.

"You okay?" He said.

"Yeah. . ." I said quietly. "No," I whispered and heard him leave. I let the water out and curled into a ball and started sobbing. I hate myself, why do I do this to myself.

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