Chapter 30

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*Picture is of Storms tux*

(Storm's Pov)
*The next day*
I woke up to my alarm going off before getting out of bed. I stretched and went over to my dresser and got out a plain black button up shirt and red skinny jeans and put them on. I brushed my teeth and did my hair and eye makeup before running downstairs. She said to be at the café at noon and it's already eleven thirty. I slept in because I was too worried about Luca to sleep. I ran out to my car, not worrying about breakfast and got in. I drove down the road and since the café they picked is like twenty five minutes away I pretty much speeded the whole way there. I got there with a minute to spare and went inside. I ordered myself a vanilla latte and saw my social worker Carol  sitting with another lady. I walked up to them and shook her hand. "You must be Storm, I'm Rachael, Jake's social worker."

"Nice to meet you." I said and we sat down.

"Good to see you again, Storm, how are you doing with everything that's going on right now?" She said.

"I'm doing good, thanks." I said. Carol got her notepad out and so did Rachael. They wrote the date and 'Jakes adoption' on the top. Rachael spoke up first.

"So we're here to discuss Jake's adoption. He's lived in a foster home most of his life and has been in and out of mental hospitals most of his life. He needs to be looked after 24/7 and has to be restricted of all things sharp or any medication." She said. I nodded and Carol said,

"Storm has all his medicines locked up from Luca so that's taken care of and he has all the sharp things in his house in a safe place. Also, Jake will be monitored by an adult in school, that includes him going to the bathroom or just walking down the hall." Rachael nodded and wrote that down on her notepad. 

"I just don't know if I can trust a seventeen year old boy with such a responsibly. I mean look at what happened to the first child you raised, he tried to kill himself." She exclaimed. I glared at her and said,

"That has nothing to do with how I raised him, it has to do with the bullying and him almost getting raped by his own uncle!" I said angrily. She looked at me in shock and said,

"I... I had no idea! I'm so sorry that I accused you. Look, meet me at the hospital tomorrow and we'll discuss this with Jake to see what he has to say. It was a pleasure to meet you, have a good day." She said and shook our hands. Carol sighed and said,

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You have your hands full with Luca's problems already, are you sure your ready for another problem?"

"Luca is not a problem and neither is Jake. They just have issues that my boyfriend and I are going to fix." Yes, Jackson texted me last night and said he wanted to help out.

"You're right, I should get back to the office. I'll see you in a month." She said and left. I never really did like her... I sighed and grabbed my latte and walked out to my car. Just as I was about to leave for my house my phone went off.

'In the end! As we fade into the night, ohhhh, who will tell the story of your life!" picked up my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey its me." Jackson said. I smiled a little and sat back in my seat.

"Hey, why are you calling me?" I asked.

"Well I'm at the hospital with Luca and they said he's allowed to go home if you promise to change his bandages every day." Jackson said.

"Really? That's great! I'll be right over!" I said.

"Actually, Luca wants to stay until tomorrow because he's really tired." My smile faltered a little bit but I said,

"Oh. . . I understand."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight since Luca isn't coming home." He said and I smiled and said,

"Like a date?"

"Yeah, like a date." I bit my lip excitedly and said,

"I would love to, I'll meet you at your house once you get there." He said goodbye and hung up. I smiled the whole way home and once I got there I saw Jackson in the driveway wearing black suit. I got out and whistled. "Well aren't you fancy." I said. He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I thought we should go somewhere nice this evening. If you don't want to that's fine with me, I mean it's not like I spent three hours arranging this." He rambled on and I laughed and kissed him to shut him up.

"I love it. I'll go get dressed, stay here." I said and ran up stairs. I went into my closet and pulled out my old tuxedo from my Aunt's wedding a couple years ago. I quickly put it on, did my hair, and washed my face. I redid my eye makeup and ran down the steps and outside. He wolf whistled at me and I blushed.

"You look amazing." He said and put his arms around me. I leaned up and kissed and he smiled into it. After we pulled away we got into the car and Jackson started driving.

About forty minutes later we pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. We got out and Jackson took my hand and led me inside. A waiter looked at our hands and got a disgusted look on his face. I knew this was too good to not have anything bad to happen tonight. . . Jackson ignored it and said,

"Table for two." He motioned for us to follow him and we did. He showed us to a booth ad then left us with the menus.

"Jackson, everything on this menu is over twenty dollars." I said. He shrugged and said,

"Order whatever you want and I'll pay for it."

"Jackson, lets just get out of here. Its obvious were not welcomed here anyway."

"Storm, would you just chill? I said I'd pay for it. Jesus Christ can't even do anything for you anymore." I looked at him shocked that he would say that.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You were fine a couple minutes ago."

"My problem is you, you've been so stressed out lately ad you don't want to do anything. So why can't you just shut up and enjoy this?" He growled. I stared at him with my jaw dropped and got up.

"Fuck you ." I said and left with tears in my eyes. And of course we had to take his car. I got my phone out and called for a taxi. Five minutes later it pulled up and I got in. Not once did Jackson come out to apologize! I sighed and felt tears run down my face. After I paid the guy I got out and walked into my house and collapsed on the couch. I felt myself tearing up and I started to cry myself asleep, thinking of Jackson's promise to never hurt me again, well it turns out that was a lie too.

Awww, poor Stormie. What do you guys think will happen now? Why do you think Jackson was being a total ass? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote. Love you all! <3*

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