Chapter 14

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(Storm's Pov)

I started driving down to Tyler's house with everyone talking. Tyler and me made small talk before he said something. "So, how was your date?" he whispered.

"It was. . .nice," I said quietly. He smiled and nodded.

"How do you think my dads are going to react about you and me starting to date two of the most popular guys in school?" he whispered so no one would hear. I smirked and shrugged.

"They're probably going to embarrass you," I said.

"True, can you imagine what they're going to do?" That got him and me laughing, causing everyone to look at me in shock. I rolled my eyes and pulled into Tyler's driveway where the whole neighborhoods' cars were. They do these neighborhood barbecues occasionally. We got out of the car and Jackson grabbed my hand. I smiled, knowing he wasn't embarrassed.

"So, this is your house?" Kyle said to Tyler while grabbing his hand.

"Yep! My Dads are going to be so excited to meet you!" Tyler said.

"Dads?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, I have two dads."

"Oh, cool," Kyle said. We walked up to the house and Tyler opened the door. I'm pretty sure everyone is outback. I heard talking and laughing in the kitchen and it sounded like Brandon and Evan. Brandon came out of the kitchen carrying a tray of cut up star fruit and he smiled at us all.

"Hey Ty. Hey, Storm, who are these guys?" Brandon asked.

"Hey, this is my boyfriend Kyle. That's Jackson, Storm's boyfriend, and Michael, Nathan, and Marcus."

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Tyler's dad." They all seemed surprised about Brandon being his father and then Evan came out. This caused them to be even more shocked, except Kyle since he already knew Evan was Tyler's dad.

"Hey, guys," Evan said while carrying two drinks.

"Hey, dad," Tyler said. I noticed Brandon looked a little pale and thinner than the last time I seen him.

"Hey, Ty, I see you brought some guests with you," Evan said.

"Hey, you're our music teacher," Jackson said. Evan chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah," Evan said.

"That's why you guys laughed when I said about the girls and him," Kyle said. Evan burst out laughing along with Brandon causing us to laugh too.

"You mean the girls in your school like him?" Brandon said.

"Yep, it's kind of weird considering your twenty-six," Jackson said.

"Really? You look twenty-one," Nathan said.

"And no offense, but you look nineteen. Neither of you look old enough to be parents," Marcus said. They laughed and nodded.

"We get that a lot. We have to go back out now. It was nice meeting you all," Brandon said, carrying the tray with Evan following him.

"Your parents seem cool," Nathan said.

"I know right. Go outback and Storm and I will meet you all there. Luca, you should stay too," Tyler said. They all went out back and Luca and I stayed. Tyler sighed and put his hands over his mouth and tears welled up in his eyes. He started crying and I quickly pulled him into a hug.

"Shhh, tell us what's wrong," I said.

"M-my dad." He sniffled and took a deep breath. "He's really sick." He sobbed into my shoulder.

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