Luca Miles profile

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Hi, my names Luca Miles and I'm thriteen years old. I go to Frankveiw middle school and am currently in the eighth grade. I have blue long hair that I usually straighten, pale skin, I'm pretty thin, and I'm really shy. I don't like to talk to a lot of people. I have a little bit of issues that I feel really guilty about. I'm bipolar, have anger issues, and can't control myself sometimes. My brother, Storm, says it's not my fault and that I don't need to feel bad about it but I can't help it. I've broken things, hurt people, said things, and hurt myself and I don't mean to do it. I think I might have to take medication soon since I'm going to see a therapist too. It's about some past issues that I rather not bring up right now. I also have a stutter that I hate. My favorite color is Blue and my favorite animal is wolf. I think that's everything for now. Bye!

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