Chapter 28

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(Jake's pov)

I woke up to see nurse Trisha opening the blinds. She smiled at me and said

"Hey there sleepy head, how'd you sleep?"  She asked. I stretched my scarred arms and said "Good I guess." I slammed my hand over my mouth, realizing I'm not supposed to talk. She chuckled and said

"It's fine hun, you should be able to talk now, just be careful not to be loud. It could strain your vocal cords." I nodded and looked over to Luca. Aw he's still sleeping. He's so adorable!  What? I'm bi, I'm aloud to say that. He's just precious, why anyone say anything rude to him is beyond me. I sighed and Trisha chuckled at me.

"I see your happy with your new roommate." She said.

"Yep! You couldn't of picked a cuter one." I said not caring if he heard me.

"Well let me dress your wounds and give you your medication." She said. After that she gave me my medication for depression and anxiety. She then left and told me that she'd be back with Luca's brother. I nodded and looked over at Luca. He's so adorable when he's sleeping! After a couple minutes

Storm came in wearing a black and white beanie, a white hoodie, and red skinny jeans. He smiled at me and I waved. He laughed a little when he saw Luca's sleeping form. Trisha left us and Storm sat on the corner of his bed.

"Hey!" I said happily. He smiled and said

"Hey, I thought you couldn't talk?"

"I can now, my names Jake by the way."

"I'm Storm, nice to meet you."

"Your brother us adorable." I said. He chuckled and shook his head.

"That's what Tyler always says." He said. I smiled and Luca's eyes fluttered open and he looked at Storm. He smiled at him and Storm smiled.

"Hey there sleepy head." I said with a laugh. He blushed and said

"H-hey. What a-are you d-doing here?" He asked Storm.

"I decided to skip school because your more important right now. How ya feeling?" Storm asked.

"My w-wrists hurt." Storm sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Their going to hurt, and it's going to hurt for a while." Storm said.

"I-I know, where's R-riley?" Luca asked. Who's Riley?

"Riley's in the waiting room with Michael. By the way, how long have you two been dating?" He said.

"H-he told y-you?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, I think your the perfect couple by the way." Storm said.Luca smiled and said "C-can I-I see him?" Storm nodded and walked out of the room to get Riley.

(Luca's Pov)

I felt myself getting nervous about seeing Riley after what I did. I turned to  Jake and saw him looking at me. He smiled and I smiled back. Riley came running into the room and he smiled brightly at me.

"Hiya!" He said and stood next to me. I scooted over and patted the bed and he crawled in and rested his head on my good shoulder.

"H-hey." I said.

"I missed you so I begged Michael to skip school and take me here." He said.

"Aw, t-that's sweet." I said. He kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

"Jeffree knows what you did." Riley said.

"Great, h-hes going to b-bully me more now." I said.

"Actually, he said he felt really bad for saying that and he wanted to say sorry."

My jaw dropped and I said


"Yes." He said. I smiled and looked over to Jake.

"Oh! T-that's Jake, my roommate." I said.

"Hey." Jake said. Riley smiled at him and said

"I didn't know they had roommates for hospitals." Jake chuckled and said

"They usually don't, but we're in here for the same thing. I guess they wanted me to relate to someone or something." Jake said. Riley nodded and said "Oh okay." I know that made Riley uncomfortable because suicide is his least favorite topic.

"I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? I seem to do that a lot." Jake said. Riley smiled at him and said

"It's fine, it just makes me sad when I hear about suicide."

"Well save that sadness for your boyfriend, it's not like anyone would care if I died anyway." Jake said.

"I'm s-sure t-that's not t-true." I said. He shook his head sadly.

"I was in a orphanage for 3 years and the only reason I'm not in it anymore is because of my mental health issues. And who's going to adopt a suicidal cutter? No one." Jake said.

"I would." We looked over and saw Storm in the doorway. Storm walked into the room and over to Jake's bed. "I would adopt you in a heart beat. You seem like a good kid who just has some issues." Storm said. Jake smiled and said

"You really would?" He had tears in his eyes with a hopeful look on his face. Stormie nodded and said

"I would have to talk to your doctor in the mental hospital first. Would you like to be adopted by me is the bigger question." Storm said.

"Yes! I would love to!"

"Luca, do you mind?" Storm said.

"Of c-course not! It'd b-be awesome t-to have another b-brother." Luca said. Jake smiled and said

"I've never felt so happy before!" Jake said.

"Well I'm glad your happy, I'll go run down to the hospital and see what the doctor has to say." Storm said before walking out of the room. I smiled at Jake and he smiled back excitedly. I guess I'm going to have a new brother.

*Sorry it's so short, I'll be posting the next chapter very soon to make up for it. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote, tell me what you think about Storm adopting Jake. love you all! <3*

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