Chapter 24

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Warning: Contains sexual content. If you don't like that stuff then skip this chapter. You don't need to read it.

(Storm's Pov)

"How much longer?" I asked as Jackson chuckled evily.

"Not telling you." He said. I huffed and crossed my arms. Jackson was driving to a surprise area. He wanted to do a surprise date for valentine's day and we've been driving for well over an hour. Right now I'm blind folded and sitting in the seat of his black corvette. I heard the car stop and I smiled excitedly.

"Are we here?" I asked. He laughed and took off my blindfold. I looked around and frowned. "What?! We're at your house!" I said pointing to his house. He burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes. "Did you really drive around for over an hour just to come back to your house?" He smiled proudly and nodded.

"Yep! And my dad is out so it's just you and me." He said.

"Oh really?" I said while smirking and winked at him. He blushed and smiled. He got out of the car and ran over to my side to open the door for me. I thanked him and he took my hand and led me inside. After he unlocked the door I gasped and my jaw dropped. His living room was transformed into a theater room. The couch was gone and the floor was covered in blankets and comfy pillows. There was a popcorn machine in the corner of the room and the table was full of snacks. I turned to Jackson who had a proud smile on his face. "Oh my god, Jackson!" I said hugging him. He chuckled and hugged me tightly and kissed my head.

"I thought you would like like it." He said. I nodded my head and kissed him. It wasn't just a peck on the lips either, I put all the love I felt for him into it.

" Like it? I love it! But not as much as I love you." I said. He pecked my lips one last time.

"I love you too." He said. I smiled and he guided me into the living room. He motioned for me to sit down and I did. He went over to the popcorn machine and scooped some popcorn into a bowl. He came over to me and handed me the bowl, then went to the table and got some candy. He handed me a bad of dum dums, my favorite!

"Oh my god Jackson, you didn't have to do all this!" I said.

"Yes I did." He said and laid down next to me. I smiled and kissed him again. He pulled back and opened his eyes and smiled. He then turned on the movie, which was The hangover. I laughed and looked at him.

"Very romantic." I said sarcastically. He laughed and put his arm around me. I snuggled into him and watched the movie while sucking on dum dums.

He ate most of the popcorn while I ate the dum dums. The movie was over and we were both just laying on the blankets enjoying each others company. After a while I thought of something. We're home alone on Valentine's day... What are most people doing today? Well that I won't answer. I smirked and sat up, I crawled on top of him and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Um Storm, what... what are you doing?" He said nervously. I smirked and leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back and I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and I slipped my tongue in. We fought for dominance and he of course won. He moaned into the kiss causing me to moan too. I stopped for a second and looked into his eyes. We were both breathing heavily and his eyes were filled with lust. I bit my lip and put my hand under his shirt and felt his abs. I took his shirt off and ran my hands along his smooth chest. I went back to kissing him and he put his hand underneath my shirt, causing me to shiver. I stopped kissing him again and pulled off my own shirt. I then thought about his dad walking in on us.

"Your dad isn't going to come in here is he?" I said. He shook his head no.

"No, he'll be out all night.'' He said. I smirked.

"Good.'' I said and went back to kissing him. After a good 5 minutes of us making out with our shirts off, I pulled away and started kissing down his chest and to his jeans. I looked at him for permission and he nodded his head eagerly. I went back to his jeans and started to undo his belt. I undid his belt and slowly undid his jeans. I could tell his little friend was excited. I pulled down his jeans to his ankles so he was just in his boxers. I smirked and looked at him again. He was practically bouncing with excitement and lust. I slowly pulled down his boxers so the rest of him was exposed. I smiled and took him in my hand. He was big, around 9 inches. I started to pump him slowly and he moaned at the feeling. I crawled back up to him and started to kiss him, hearing and feeling his moans as I got faster. I pulled away and and went back down to his member. I stopped moving my hand and put my lips on the head of it. I twirled my tongue around it and started to bob my head up and down. I could here his moans get louder as I got faster and harder.

As I was doing this I started to think, are we really ready for this? I mean here we are, in his living room on Valentine's day with me giving him a blow job. I know this is going to lead up to us having sex but I just don't know if I'm ready. I guess I am, I mean as embarrassing as it is I'll admit that I'm still a virgin. Yeah yeah, laugh all you want, a 17 year old that's still a virgin. I was saving myself for someone special.

"Oh god Storm." I looked up and saw him with his eyes closed moaning. I stopped, not wanting him to cum yet. He opened his eyes and I crawled back up to him and kissed him.

"Not yet." I breathed out. He nodded, understanding what I meant. He positioned us so he was straddling me and he leaned down and kissed me. I moaned into the kiss and he started to undo my belts. I picked a bad day to wear 4 belts. He groaned in frustration and I laughed and undid the last one for him. He undid my jeans and pulled them down. He chuckled and looked at me. "Nice batman boxers." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm. He went back to kissing me and he then pulled down my boxers. I moaned when he started to touch me. He stopped kissing me and got up. I looked at him confused.

"What's... what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

"Nothing, I need to go get some things or else it's going to really hurt." He said before running upstairs. I smiled in relief that he wanted to have sex with me. He came back down with a bottle of lube and a condom. He put the condom on and then put some lube on. I bit my lip nervously as he raised my legs and put his member at my entrance.

"This is going to hurt, okay?" He said.

"I know..." I whispered. He slowly put it in and I bit my lip at how much it hurt. Once it was all the way in I felt tears in my eyes. It just hurt so much.

"Do you want me to take it out?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Just give me a second." I said. He nodded his head and after a couple minutes it stopped hurting. "Okay." I said and he started to slowly move. I started to moan in pleasure as he got faster and faster. He thrusted into me at full speed and at this point I was screaming in pleasure. He was moaning with each thrust and I was close to cumming. "I'm... I'm close." I panted.

"So am I." He panted. He did one last thrust and I came all over my chest. He pulled out and took his condom off and I started to jerk him off. He came on to my chest and screamed in pleasure. I

He collapsed onto me and we were both panting. He kissed one last time and said "I love you so so much." I smiled and pecked his lips. "I love you too."

"We should probably take a shower and get dressed before dad comes home." He said. I chuckled and nodded in agreement. We grabbed our clothes, ran upstairs, got into the shower together where we did nothing but clean up you pervs! We then went into his room and he let me borrow some pajamas. We then fell asleep with me cuddling him and the last thing I heard before was him saying "I love you so much."

*Omfg I can't believe I wrote that! please comment and tell me what you think! love you all, thanks for reading! Dont forget to vote! I love you all!*

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