Chapter 29

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(Tyler's Pov)

Kyle and I walked out of the hospital into the cold bitter air with my parents. We all got in the car and started to drive home.

"Hey dad, is Luca going to be alright?" I asked. Daddy turned around and gave me a sad smile. We weren't aloud to see him yet because they didn't want to put stress on him. I don't know why they aloud my parents yesterday.

"Probably but he's going to have to get some help with the thoughts of wanting to hurt himself." He said. I sighed and nodded, I sat back in my seat and stared out the window. I felt Kyle take my hand and I smiled at him. After 10 minutes of comfortable silence we pulled into the driveway and got out. Dad unlocked the door and we all went inside and sat in the living room.

"So Evan, what exactly did you say to Luca?" Daddy asked. Dad sighed and said

"I showed him my scars and told him about how much I regret it." My jaw dropped and I looked at my dad in shock.

"You.... you used to cut?" I said. He nodded his head sadly and said

"I used to do it because I lived in a abusive home. That's one of the reasons why I bullied Brandon, he lived in a much better home then me so I felt that he deserved it." Dad said sadly.

"You bullied dad?" I said in shock. He nodded and said

"And there's not a day that goes by that I don't regret it." Dad said. I smiled a little and said

"Well I'm glad you regret it. I'm going upstairs with Kyle." I said and grabbed his hand and pulled him up to my room. He sat on my bed and I smiled at him. He pulled me down and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away.

"So I guess I'm sleeping over?" He said. I laughed and nodded.

"Yep!" I said happily. He chuckled and said

"Great." I smiled at him and hugged him.

"What's this for?" He said while hugging me back.

"I just needed a hug, and I feel safe when you hug me." I said. He kissed the top of my head and nodded.

"Well isn't this sweet." I pulled away and glared at daddy. He laughed and said

"What? I came up to tell you dinner was ready."

"You couldn't of knocked? I mean would Kyle and I were making out or um I don't having sex! Yeah do you know how awkward that would be?" I said causing Kyle to blush like mad and daddy to hunch over laughing.

"If that ever happened I'd throw a party to celebrate you loosing your virginity." He said. Kyle started laughing and now it was my turn to blush."Daaaad, stop it, gosh your so embarrassing!" I said. Kyle put his arm around me and walked me to the door. Daddy left downstairs and before he pulled me to the stairs he kissed me and said

"Are you really a virgin?" I blushed and said

"Yes... I mean technically you were my first kiss sooo..." I said.

"I was? You didn't have any other boy kiss you?" He asked surprised.

"Well Strom and I kissed once." I said.


"We were testing to see if we were gay. So it doesn't really count." I said.

"Oh I understand. Ready to eat?" He asked. I nodded and he took my hand and led me to the dining room. When we got in there I smiled, happy that we're having pizza bagels!

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