Chapter 33

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(Storm's Pov)
Once at the crafts place, which I saw was actually called Crafts Center, we all got out and I smiled at Jake. "This will be perfect for you, they have a music room, art center, dance studio, and a computer lab." I said. He smiled and said
"Sounds great, hopefully this helps." I nodded and we all went inside. I went up to the secretary to sign us in and get our name tags.
"Hello, welcome to Crafts Center, how can I help you?" She said.
"I would like a day pass for 6 people." I said. She nodded and gave me a free day pass and some name tag stickers with a marker. I called them over and we all wrote are names down and I handed it back to her.
"Go right on in." She said and I thanked her. We all went in and Jake smiled at everything. There were a bunch of kids here and a lot of stuff to do.
"This is awesome!" Tyler said.
"I know right?" I said.
"Where do you want to go first?" Jake said.
"Where ever you want to go." I said. He smiled and started walking over to the music room. We all followed him and Jackson grabbed my hand. I smiled and he smiled back at me as we walked into the room. Jake went up to a guitar and strummed it. He smiled a little and then he looked up and saw a piano and violin and his eyes lit up.
"I love the piano!" He said excitedly.
"So do I, you play?" I said. He nodded and said
"Yes, I also play violin." I smiled and said
"So do I." He sat down and put his finger on the key C. He played it and smiled. He started playing a song that I recognized as Welcome to the Black parade. He smiled once finished and we all clapped.
"That sounded amazing!" Jackson said.
"Thank you." He said.
"You know I can get a keyboard or piano if you want for the house." I said. His eyes lit up again and he said
"Yes please!" I chucked and nodded. He smiled and turned to Luca. "There's a field out back, do you want to go play soccer?" He said. Luca nodded and they went outside.
(Luca's Pov)

I followed Jake outside and Jake grabbed the soccer ball. He smiled at me and said

"So you're dating Riley?" I blushed a little and smiled softly.

"Y-yeah, I-I asked him if he w-wanted to c-come b-but h-his family w-was d-doing s-something." I said. He nodded and threw me the ball.

"Let's practice our kicking, I'll be goalie." He said,

"A-are you s-sure, I m-mean with the b-ball hitting your a-arms and a-all." I said. He smiled and nodded.

"It's fine, I'll just be careful." He said ad went into the goalie box. I nodded and put the ball down. Luckily, I wore my cleats today. I walked back and ran up and kicked the ball. He jumped to catch it and it slipped right between his fingers and went into the goal. I smiled, happy I made it into the goal. He smiled at me and said

"Have you ever thought about playing on a team?" I shook my head no and said

"N-no, that w-would involve p-people." I said nervously.

"So you don't like people?" Jake asked.

"It's n-not that I-I d-don't like p-people... I a-am j-just afraid of t-them." I said and looked down. I felt him lift my chin up and he smiled at me.

"It's okay to be afraid of people, I used to be terrified of them, but sometimes we have to face our fears." He said softly as I stared into his dark brown eyes. He's a great brother...

"You're a-a awesome b-brother." I said. He smiled brightly and he hugged me.

"You have no idea how much that means to me. I've always wanted a brother!" He said. I smiled and hugged him back. We pulled away and he pointed to the goal and motioned me to go over there. I grabbed the ball and threw it at him. He caught it and put him foot on the ball when he put it on the ground. He stepped back and ran at the ball and kicked it as hard as he could. With all my effort I caught and smiled. Is it bad that I actually feel proud for once?

"Dang boy, you should definitely try out for the team. You know their next Saturday." I shrugged and bit the inside of my cheek.

"I-I don't k-know..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"Don't know what?" Storm said, coming out with Tyler, Kyle, and Jackson. "If I known you guys were just going to play soccer the whole time, I would've just kept us home." He said with a light laugh. Jake smiled and said

"I think Luca should try out for the soccer team this Saturday. He's really good." I blushed a little and Storm smiled and looked at me.

"That's a great idea! Luca, do you want to do it?" Stormie said.

"I-I guess." I said nervously. Jake smiled and said

"Awesome!" I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... c-can't wait." I said with a sigh. We all got into the car to go home and we dropped Tyler and Kyle off at Tyler's house. We all went inside and Jackson kissed Storm good bye. He smiled at Jake and I and waved as he left. Storm turned to us and said

"Are you guys okay with taco's tonight?" We both nodded and we started making dinner.

*I know it sucks! Please tell me what you want to see happen in this story! Also, it's almost over so just help me with the couple more chapters it has. Thanks for reading! Love you all! <3*

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