Courting A Human

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TW: possible peudo-incest. Foster brothers who have had a physical relationship. Not gone into too much detail here but they will be sticking together as this progresses. More details in author notes after drabble. 

A hint of a familiar face had Lonnie looking straight ahead at the bar. He took a deep drink of his beer, listening to the men beside him chat shit about some broad one was trying to tempt into the bed. He rolled his shoulders and put the glass down with a soft thunk on the bar. He turned and the face was next to him, grinning a smile which had never failed to be on the man's face.

"Hello, Lonnie,"

"Laslo," Lonnie didn't force a smile. He reached forward and grabbed the man by his shoulder and brought him in for a manly one-armed hug. Laslo didn't fight it but Lonnie felt as the man's muscles tensed at the action. "When you cross back over?"

"A moonlight moment," Laslo sniffed, his arm landing on Lonnie's waist and remaining even after Lonnie had released him. "Can't stay long. Are you well?"

"Enough," Lonnie nodded, ignoring the looks they were getting. This wasn't the best bar in town. Laslo was wearing good clothes, far better than the average bloke in here. Better than Lonnie for sure. Lonnie's jeans were coated in dust from work, the outsides of his nails white from paint and a smear of the stuff was on his t-shirt. There was no mistaking Lonnie for a worker. Laslo was clean and wearing tight-fitting things that highlighted his best features. "Got time for dinner?"

"Possibly, not here," Laslo's nose wrinkled and he tugged.

Lonnie followed obediently, shouldering on his coat and clapping the shoulder of one of his mates on the way out. One tried to stop him. Either of them missing the eyes following Lonnie and his new friend. Drinking here again might end with a knife in between his ribs and his wallet stolen if he didn't drink with the right people.

"Lon, you shouldn't go with his type,"

"What's that?" Laslo turned to look at the man, a haughty expression on his features. A shift in lighting and Laslo would look too otherworldly for even the men in the bar to ignore. "The type to wash and clean? Not to let my insides rot from that swell you're tossing down your gullet?"

"It's fine," Lonnie cut between, blocking his mate from Laslo laser glare. "He's my foster brother." Laslo's arms came over his shoulders. Laslo was an inch taller than him. Lonnie had wider shoulders. Laslo was lean, graceful one of the two of them. Lonnie was the muscle. He didn't even have that much but compared to Laslo who carried all his muscles in his legs rather than his shoulders, it looked it.

"Foster brother..."

"Should see us in a better light. We used to be mirror images of each other," Laslo hummed, the sensation rolling down Lonnie's back. "Now, I'm stealing my brother away. Goodnight."

Lonnie swallowed and looked at Laslo. Laslo didn't look at him, instead of pushing him on to outside the pub. Lonnie stumbled but walked. Outside a mist had settled in for the night despite the early hour. A man stood in the white swirl, somehow looking both inhuman and not at the same time. The glamour wasn't enough to hide the otherworldliness from him. Lonnie dug his heels, staying firmly under the light of the window panel. Laslo didn't push him forward.

His brother made a click of annoyance. The hand-pressed lower again, possessively on his waist as he pressed against Lonnie's side. Foster brother was entirely true but they had never been just that. Lonnie had always been Laslo's thing. It went hand in hand with Laslo's true self.

"You promised you'd leave me alone," he accused.

"As long as I was able," Laslo shot back, hiding his face in Lonnie's shoulder. Another cause for concern. Laslo was rarely affectionate and that bordered on it. Laslo was possessive and touched him so people knew Lonnie was his. He didn't hide. Then again, in his new world, Laslo was not the powerhouse he was here. "Things have grown complicated."

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