Vampire Drabble 5 part 2

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Two smiles mirrored each other as the vampires circled. Lexie's smile was warm, almost human looking, but Brute had his teeth showing and left no secrets to his nature. Brute rolled his muscles and winked at him before slinking off to another room. He hummed some pop song that had been on the radio recently with a flourish. 

"Right then," Lexie purred, putting his hands on Aiden's knees. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? Mind, we can't tell you much Shaun will get angry." 

"He's always angry," Brute yelled from another room. That wasn't an unfair assessment of Shawn. Aiden preferred it to the catatonic state he fell into sometimes but yeah, angry. Peremenatly with a frown and dark eyebrows furrowed together as if they'd been snitched into place.

"Shaun struggles to express his emotions, and we did not help. He is more than angry," Lexie said with a fond but tired air. He'd explained this before. 

"Sometimes he is mildly grumpy," Aiden said, trying to fend off fingers as they tried to play with his hair. He didn't trust the vampire with his hair. He looked too pale to know how to do it without tangling it into a matt from hell. Vampires turned into a paler version of their former selves -ish. A greyer version of themself would be more accurate. Brute's skin glowed with how pale his undead self was, and while Lexie had a deeper grey, his hair did not share the same texture.

Lexie's charming beam faltered and softened into something more honest, as if Aiden said the best thing in the world. "It's great, isn't it? When his eyebrows do the thing?" the vampire tried to squish his fave to mimic Shaun's grumpy eyebrows. Aiden recognised it as something he'd seen SHaun's eyebrows do once or twice. What that his normal grumpy face? Good to know.

"Lex, you were doing introductions," Brute reminded as he reappeared with candles and some burning herbs.  He dumped in on the side and started setting up. "The two of you can gossip over Shaun's emotion ineptitude another time."

"Right, right. I'm Felix Richards, a pleasure to meet you," Felix half bowed before aborting the action with an embarrassed comb through his hair. Court behaviour, but bowing wasn't required for a simple human such as Aiden - vampire hunter or not. Aiden didn't know if it was a good sign or a bad sign that Felix thought Aiden was important enough for the instinct to kick in but not to finish. Felix watched his face eagerly, eyes hoping to see something that did not appear from the look of immediate disappointment. 

"Nice to meet you?" Aiden offered. Where did the name Thorneblood come from if the vampire's name was Richards?

"Lex, he won't know your name. There is no way Shaun told him," Brute said, as he walked a circle around him, springing a herb/ash mix onto the ground. There was no ceremony to it despite being part of a cleansing spell. 

"But!" Lex's voice cracked, and his face was distraught for one flash. It vanished in a face-splitting wide smile. This was his fake smile. The one for show, the one that Aiden could not trust. "You'll have to ask Shawn about us and let us know what he says."

"Nothing good, I'm sure," Brute muttered.

Lex rolled his eyes. "The wisecracker is Dustin Peters. We call him Dust."

"On account of, I don't stay dust when I get dusted," Dustin winked at Aiden, making a gesture of being stabbed in the chest. "I reform regardless of silver or holy water."

"It's a cool gift," Lex nodded. 

Cool wasn't the word that Aiden would use. A vampire whose dark gift involved returning to the undead after being killed? That was terrifying. 

"Don't worry. You won't be trying to stake me any time soon, or you'll be getting inducted earlier than planned," Dust flashed his fangs at Aiden with his eyes locked on his neck. 

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