Notebook Drabbles 54 - Dragon Boy

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The song of prayer sang through the streets, curling through the rooftops and invading the small countryside where the Royal family resided. The sky burned red, bringing a sense that wheat would be good the next day. Also, it let the more suspicious whisper about the sky, mimicking the wades of blood on the battlefield. The battle may be long over, but the death toll ran as loud as the song in the air.

"Lord Otis," an aid appeared at the edge of the courtyard. "The King requests your presence."

Otis nodded, eyes not focusing anywhere. He'd been expecting a summons since word of their surrender came out. The war and infighting had reduced the Royal family down by a considerable margin. Even a cousin of the King's mother's side turned into a valuable asset in times like this.

The corridors were empty, ignoring a few guard stations in ceremonial armour. Weapons weren't allowed until the final seal had been pressed on paper. The fading sunlight did its best to illuminate the passage, but for the most part, the light was dim, and shadows lingered in corners. They didn't have the funds to keep the entire castle lit at all times.

He pushed into the study with little grace or care. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the punishing cane to fly down on them all for daring to disobey the Everlight Emperor. The Ruby King warned them, but his uncle did not listen. They all would pay the price.

"Lord Otis."

"Your majesty," Otis bowed low, ensuring his head went lower than his cousin's despite the man sitting down. His Uncle died drowning his blood, and his cousin took the throne after with little ceremony. 

"A loose treaty had been formed to stop the bloodshed," his cousin said, not looking at him. His tone didn't match his normal character either. His cousin had been boastful and arrogant. He's been cowed, brought to heel by things far more powerful than any of them would ever be. Dragons walked the land and flew in the skies with Gods, and long before humans became sentient, who would challenge such powerful beasts?

His uncle, that's who. His selfish nature left his cousin and the rest of them to deal with the mess.

"Good news for the country," Otis said, maintaining his military stance. He'd never been close to his cousin, and relaxing in the presence of a King would be a dangerous move, even if the King was in shock.

"Yes, for the good of the county," his cousin nodded, his tone moving towards dreamlike. Was he there? Hopefully, no one had let him bargain with demi-gods barely able to string a thought together. "Some of the requirements are tricky to fulfil, but we will have to do our best to appease them. The Emperor demands it. He won't step in a second time to save our people. Nor will the other races."

"They intervened?" Otis said, checking to make sure he heard correctly. The other races snorted and laughed as the Dragons began destroying human lands, removing insects. All the sovereigns swore not to get involved and let the dragons punish the humans for their affront.

Never trust anyone.

The Everlight Emperor was human, technically. He would intervene once out of mercy, but the otters would sooner see them all roast.

The King winced. Some of the dreamlike state left him, and his eyes met Otis's eyes pained. "That may be too kind a word. The elves reminded the Dragons that we have uses beyond kindling."

"Of course," Otis grimaced. The Dragons didn't eat humans unless they got in the way of livestock. They didn't eat creatures that spoke. Also, there was something about bipedal creatures not tasting nice. Otis had been busy during the thundering explanations trying to save his son. "What is our use, your Majesty?"

"Servants, bonded souls, carriers,"

Otis straightened. This was where things got serious. The Royal Blood was limited. The King had no heirs yet. Otis had blue blood even if he wasn't in the immediate Royal family. But his son complicated matters. "And that is their demand?"

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