Notebook Drabbles 15

541 24 3

Written:2021, T/w: Slavery, Master/slave relationship eventually. 

"Sign here please."

Jayden signed the papers, reading them first to check everything was in order. The delivery of one Edwyn Brown, newly made slave and now property one Mr Tion Grisham. Jayden was signing for the life of his husband's rival. It was a rather strange feeling.

Tion didn't know yet. When the rebels had come upon auction, Tion had been given first dibs on Edwyn. Jayden had grabbed it before the time limit. He knew Tion very well. He would be so disappointed if he failed to get Edwyn. From a darker place, it was about ownership and being superior to the man. From a lighter, and Jayden was not blind to this, Edwyn had a part of Tion 's heart that would suffer if something bad was to happen because he didn't take up the reigns.

"Here," the guard thrust the remote forward into Jayden's hands and his companion pushed Edwyn further into Jayden's apartment. "Congratulations on your new purchase. Please let us know if more training is required."

"Thank you," Jayden sniffed, catching Edwyn by the arm. The man was more than a little broken right now. He almost slammed the door shut on the men before exhaling.

He was doing this for Tion. He had to remember that. He turned to study Edwyn and his current state. The man was more similar to Tion 's stature than his own. Large, broad-shouldered and well-muscled, though not quite to the same extent. Jayden was smaller, more lean than mass. Jayden was a doctor, Tion and Edwyn were construction clones, the reason for the difference as clear as day.

Jayden hated functionalism but he did enjoy their body type immensely. Tion enjoyed his type back. Time would tell if Edwyn did too.

The last time he'd seen the man free, Edwyn had a head of black hair but that had been shaved off now. Easier to keep clean in the harsh conditions of the prison camps. A shame, Jayden rather like hair. It would have been a good bonding exercise for him to wash it.

"Right, Edwyn," Jayden hummed, letting his voice take out his sultry tone meant to get people to do what he wanted. "Come here, please." A dash of politeness to help keep the man calm. The lower half of the man's face was covered in a muzzle meant to stop him from talking or screaming. It was encouraged for people to break in their new pets with the muzzle on for everything except eating times. Jayden was not doing that. He liked the intelligent conversation and with Tion away, Edwyn would be providing that.

The man didn't come closer. Blinding fear was filling his pretty blue eyes and Jayden tutted. He would have to give the man a proper inspection. He knew what happened in those camps. He took mercy and closed the gap himself, reaching up to cup Edwyn's face.

"Tion isn't here. He won't be back for a few weeks. Its some undercover thing," Jayden said, letting his fingers trace over the edges of the muzzle, the thick metal plating covering the man's mouth and chin. He wasn't sure if that would be a comfort or not to Edwyn. Tion had mentioned Edwyn being scared of him in their final encounter of the war. Jayden understood, it wasn't like Tion was like a nightmare once his blood-lust settled in. "In the meantime, you will be assisting me with my clients. As well as general everyday things. And for that, you will need to be able to speak." He unfastened the buckled and let the thing fall to the ground.

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