Notebook Drabble 57 - Injured at their Mercy

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"Hero" gets hurt and has to get taken care of by an older villain. A young hero (17-21) is trying to stop an out-of-control tween when the tween almost kills them both. Hero is v. injured, and someone has to take care of him, but he can't call his family for help because of reasons. Que tween's father and former tormenter of hero steps up to the plate. 


"Someone's got to do it," Dr Malcom tapped a pen on the piece of paper. "He can't stay here. He'll get into trouble." If there is one thing a hero, even an injured one, would do in their enemies, they would cause problems. Heros were do-gooders, and seeing their young prospects bully each other or be in pain would make them do something stupid. They did not abuse their babies. They just let them battle it out between them.

"What are our opinions?" Beam checked, eyes on the bandages around Starlight's neck and chest. The young hero was covered head to toe in them, but Beam had trauma with neck injuries. He couldn't pull his eyes away from them. 

"We put a bulletin out in the hero community and hope someone is willing to risk their identity to claim Star as their own," Snake said, unable to keep the resigned tone out of his voice. That was unlikely. The heroes had civilian lives and were viciously more protective of their IDs. Maybe someone would: see the do-gooder mentality. Star would hate it. He didn't want them to tell his known allies and, most likely, family. The youngest of his sect couldn't be much older than eleven. Too young to risk being exposed; even the Syndicate could understand that. 

"We need to find someone willing to look after Star until he's strong enough to go home," Dr Malcom said. "That doesn't need to be a hero. We have contracted out before to watch over people in our care."

"Hostages and stalkers, sure, but not a hero," Beam said. "Most of our contractors would take this as a chance to hurt and blackmail him."

"Why are we doing that?"

"Professional curtosy."

"We have better sense than to take on one of Techsnyer's allies."

"We like him." 

All eyes landed on Snake. Snake lifted an eyebrow, daring any of them to disagree with his statement. He was not the first to back down on that point. He could force it and lecture them about the fact that they let Star become one of their reluctant allies, but he didn't need to. It was stupid being friendly with Starlight. It would end up with them getting hurt and destroying everything they'd worked for. It had already rebounded on Star. 

"Do we have any grey contractors who won't hurt him?" Beam said, pushing the conversation along. His eyes glittered with sunlight, the familiar look of his when he had an idea. It layered confidence into his skin, which the sun mage needed, and it made him look irritable to Snake. The healthy glow filled Snake with a desire to bite. 

"Do you have someone in mind?"


"That's an idea," Dr Malcom said, eyes darting over Starlight again. "He can pay Star back for his son." Because it was Trojan's eldest who Star saved from imploding. There was a problem, however.

"Trojan also spent most of Star's early teens trying to persuade him to be his apprentice. Starlight won't like being under his care any more than we'd like being back in the institute," Snake said, knuckles cracking at the thought.  

"Our relationship is not that bad."

Snake didn't jump. He remained rock solid and refused to let any fear show at a mage hunter interrupting their conversation. Trojan didn't hunt unless someone signed a pay cheque, but everyone knew he hunted regardless of former association. He might make it quick if he liked you. That was as kind as he got once he had a job. It was a point of contention between Trojan and his eldest. 

The others failed to remain as composed. Beam lost his glow, and Dr Malcom released a rather impressive curse. Starlight reacted, too, drugged out of his mind or not. Dull eyes flicked to Trojan with a growing light of horror. 

"Do you want to try that again?" Snake said. He couldn't defeat Trojan, but he didn't want to give the vulnerable hero to the hunter without thought. 

He couldn't think of any other options either, and that was depressing. 

Trojan ignored him, signing something. He put one hand flat while striking it with a dialogical palm, drawing the action to his chest. Star relaxed, and some horror left his eyes. Star lifted his head, exposing a slither of neck. Trojan grinned. Snake wanted the story there. 

"When did you get here?" Dr Malcom asked.

"My son called me and thought I should show my face."

That made sense. Grant had been distressed. 

"What is your relationship with Star?"

Trojan answered by signing to Star. Star loosely signed back, his hands heavy as he struggled to make the correct gestures. Trojan snorted before slipping onto the bed and gathering Starlight onto his lap like a dog, with Star's limbs folding awkwardly around him. Starlight hissed but didn't fight him. If anything, he melted into the hold and cuddled up to a man with a higher kill count than Star had eaten hot dinners. A smirk and purr turned into the answer, with Starlight slapping Trojan's shoulder weakly as a reply. 

"I'd say pretty good," Trojan said, unnaturally sharp teeth showing as he grinned at them. 

None of them had been able to touch Star without him tensing. Starlight didn't trust people being too close to him, apart from Trojan. Beam rolled his eyes. 

"Do we need to put in a formal contract for you to watch over Starlight?"

"I'm good. Looking after Starlight is not a problem," Trojan kissed the back of Starlight's head. Starlight nudged him again, growling. The tone was off, more than a purr than a growl but an unhappy tone. 

"I'd feel safer if we got it in writing. I have no desire to discover what Horison will do if he discovers we gave Star to you," Dr Malcom said, fingers tapping something out on a laptop. 

"Horizon won't care too much. He's got his attention taken with his next bundle of light," Trojan snorted. Another light bat of Star's hand with a grumble. 

"He sent a message warning he'll destroy us if we let anything happen to Starlight." 

All eyes turned to Dr Malcom, who turned his screen around to show the message. It had photos of the entrance to the school, with some of the more troublesome students sneaking out. He'd added a few ideas on how they could stop that happening. Star made an amused sound and snuggled under Trojan's chin as he hummed approvingly. From the language used, Horizon was fond of Starlight. That didn't mean the man would come to pick up his wayward spark if it endangered the rest. 

"For once, that man is being sensible," Trojan hugged Star, but his voice was not missing the bemused tiredness. "Draw up the paperwork; if he knows you have Star, it would be best for us all to keep him happy." 

Snake set it up. Starlight laughed as it actively started editing itself on the screen to protect Starlight better. Horizon missed nothing. 

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