Werewolf Drabble 5 - Val 2

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Trigger warning: Spanking

Sage reappeared with the kid, hand on his shoulder to steer him into place. Greyson leaned up against him at Sage's thunderous expression. In contrast, the teenager grumbled nervously but not fearfully. Sage's expression often looked a lot darker than his true feelings. If Sage had the kid for a week, he might know not to be scared of Sage when his eyebrows were like that. Sage's neutral expression gave the air that he was ready to throw down. Right now, he was calmer than in the fight but not happy. 

"Talking time," Sage said, pushing the kid to sit on the opposite side of Val to Greyson. 

There was something infanticating about being seated in a row with his brother(s?), waiting to be scolded and punished for breaking the rules. Val didn't know what to say or how to start. 

"Stalker's name feels like the least dangerous topic," Greyson said, crossing his arms.

 'Stalker' blushed, cheeks an adorable shade of red that spread to his ears. It didn't escape Val's notice that the kid wore Greyson's old clothes. Bill or Greyson had started making him smell of pack. They'd have him ready to be Pack in time for Tor to be healed enough to put in the human paperwork.

Val expected Sage to growl at Greyson for talking out of turn. Instead, Sage nodded in agreement, golden eyes locking on to the stalker expectantly. The kid curled in on himself, blush spreading down his neck.

"Name's Leo."

"His name is Leopold Drake Elwood; he'd from a nearby pack that left him behind to deal with a dispute and perished. Leopold has been hiding from the humans, so they don't notice he's alone," Sage ripped the bandaid off with little delicacy.

"And stalking us for the last year or so! When did your parents pass?" Greyson demanded, standing up to look directly at Leo.

"A month ago," Leo said a little too calmly. 

"There is a lot to unpack there," Val said in the resulting silence. Greyson vibrated with emotion, and Sage nursed his head. Leo didn't smell like a pack. One month wouldn't remove their scent; there was more there. He hooked an arm around Leo's shoulders and pulled him in tight for a hug. "You're safe now." 

Ish, but Sage rarely killed teenagers - only ferals beyond saving. Tor would adopt the kid when Bill filled him in. 

"I was fine!" Leo said, not pulling out of the hug.

"No, you weren't," Sage pushed Greyson to sit back and looked at the three calculatingly. Greyson sat and trembled. "Leo, I told you to stay home at night. What did I warn you if you didn't behave?"

"You're not the boss of me."

Ice would feel more welcoming than the look on Sage's face. A lot happened in a few moments. Leo dived behind Val, Greyson dived to stop Sage, and Val failed to stop anyone moving and jarred his ribs again. 

Sage caught Greyson by his shirt and shook him like a misbehaving wolf pup. He set Greyson on the ground and pushed him to sit on it. "Last warning, I will spank your arse if I need to."

"Fuck you," Greyson said, trying to get back to his feet. 

Sage didn't let him, shaking him and keeping him off balance. His golden eyes locked onto Val and possibly Leo, attempting to hide behind Val. "Hector needs to train his pups to be more obedient when overpowered."

Greyson continued to curse and fight against Sage but could not break out of his hold. Leo moved to help, but Val stopped him. Trying to help Greyson would be seen as questioning Sage's authority. Sage would not take kindly to that. Interfering would make things worse for them and Greyson. Mind if Greyson didn't stop his cursing and struggling, Sage's temper would show. 

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