Notebook Drabbles 38 - Captured Enemies

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The operation was a success. They quelled the latest ring of potential insurgents and proved again why the King's Hand should not be underestimated. The immediate aftermath left blood and tears flowing down the stonework and into the sewers. Chains and rope followed, binding the defeated and stopping any from picking up a strong second wind to fight. A few tried disappearing into the shadows, but the hounds hunted viciously.

It's better to surrender and stay put than run. They taught it in schools, and in news reports. "nulla capita soluta", not a perfect translation, but it got the message across. 

Chase could admire a will to live. During a takeover, he didn't have room for mercy. It was too expensive a cost, and the Brotherhood knew this. Stupid people tested his resolve and discovered it strong as he snapped their necks. Taking over a group required the will to remove troublesome seeds quickly before they became rebellions.

"Did we lose many?" 

From the simple nature of its construction, the Brotherhood skewed young. Younger than Chase would like, but they had stepped on his toes too many times to be allowed to fester.

"Some. Most of the younger ones surrendered after you dealt with the Speaker," Amanda's eyes remained fixed on a notebook as she wrote notes about who they had locked away. Names, ages, and if they had people that needed informing. Letters would need to be sent out. The Brotherhood hadn't been an official organisation. Now, every member would be conscripted into the army, regardless of age.

Victoria didn't want to give him permission for the reason alone. The press got pissy about why they forced underage brats. Tough. If they were old enough to play in an underground ring, they were old enough to fight for King and County. 

Chase grunted as Amanda continued to report - most of it meaningless to him. The quartermaster needed the information far more than him. He strode through the hall, studying the bound. Some of his brighter soldiers guarded the healers as they worked over the injured. Good on both levels. They needed more healers. Medics got a squad so far, but the ability to patch someone up immediately was indispensable. 

One brat being worked on had a nasty bit mauling half his face. Tomas's work, Slade needed to have some words. Aozora might be a reckless punk, but he'd been pretty. Marking him that badly might cause issues. One before and after picture to the press would make the shitstorm brewing worse. 

The kid's good eye met his briefly but looked away. Chase smiled, partly forced to imitate the rest. One kid would behave. Several more too from his the room shifted. Aozora wasn't who he wanted. He needed to keep Aozora close, but there were far more important people to hunt down. One brat was missing. More than one, some would be held elsewhere or possibly dead. The one he wanted to find was not here. 

Amanda stopped next to him, offering him the book of names. He flipped through it, thumbing past the dead list after confirming no one too young had died. One 17-year-old got caught in the explosion caused by the Brotherhood's scientist.

They'd execute the man for the murder of a child among treason.  

The brat's name sat on the MIA page. No one had reported seeing him or fighting against him. His son's former best friend who befriended him to get information on the Order for the brotherhood to use. It hadn't saved them in the end, but Chase had a personal gripe with Mr Alex Lunder. 

"We are missing three of the wishlist," Chase said. More, but those three mattered more. Alex for the aforementioned reasons, Terry because of his nature and Cassandra for her abilities. Three pains in his backside for different reasons, and none of the captured or on the death toll. Cassandra was the most dangerous unchecked. Terry needed finding before he vanished - again. 

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