Notebook Drabble 47 - Eastern Wind

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Written 2012, Edited 2023 

Triggers: Master/slave relationships and dynamics

There was a scream of frustration as the front door slammed open. Eldod winced before quickly schooling his features as Darttan headed to his room. He tidied away his letters. He wasn't getting anything else done with Darttan in a huff. Most people he'd send away for arriving without an invite but Darttan was not someone he could afford to refuse entrance.  The man would sulk. 

He signalled to his servant to get some drinks. Darttan was a common enough guest that the boy would know what to get. Bowing, the boy disappeared into the servant passages as Darttan stomped into Eldod's study like a child and threw himself down onto the sofa with little care. 

"I don't have time for your dramatics today," Eldod said, meeting the menacing glare with a cool one. Darttan snarled, his eyes glowing red with anger and blood lust. Eldod waited. Darttan pulled his expression into a more respectful one. 

"I'm not the dramatic one."

"That's a lie, and we both know it," Eldod moved the papers on his desk around. He might have scolded Darttan more with witnesses, but alone, he could forgive the childish behaviour. They were rivals in the loosest sense of the term. They shared a sire, and while coming into their power, they'd shared a bed until they were strong enough individually to rule their slot of land. "I can presume then that Ra continues to fight you?" 

"With all the stubbornness in the world. Why did I choose to try to tame a wolf?"

"Because you saw my pets and thought 'Hey, it can't be that hard,'" Eldod teased, letting his lips twitch upwards as Darttan growled, not unlike his wolves. 

"You seemed to tame them quickly enough. You got one into bed too," Darttan said. 

"Jealous," Eldod said. The look on Darttan's face, when he told him that he'd got the alpha into his bed was burned into his mind as a victory. "And not one."

Wolves were barbaric, wild beasts but Eldod liked a challenge. Taming his wolves to his will and getting the alpha into bed had been a worthy goal to achieve. The wildness in his alpha got Eldod's heart pumping and made him hunger far more than any docile human could produce.  From his scars to the look on his face when he was being protective, Eldod wanted him. After a lot of work to gain his trust, Eldod had him, and from him, the rest fell into line. 

It showed the true measure of Eldod's taming skills. 

"You got the rest of them in your bed too?" Darttan had a comical look on his face.

"It was a full moon, they were randy and took my offer. Fynn is my main companion, but the others crawl in occasionally, too," Eldod said, "It's been an interesting thing to get used to. They don't mind fellow pack members in my bed but do get jealous of my blood banks. They'll get used to it eventually. Fynn is becoming fond of my favourite."

Eldod had a knack for training and taming servants. None of his servants, human, fae or werewolf, tried to escape him after the first month. Most Lords couldn't claim the same thing. All Lords, regardless of race, shared the same urge to dominate and control their slaves, but few could do it without seriously breaking them. Eldod refused to use the same methods. He remembered them from being human, and he didn't want that for the people in his employ. 

Darttan fumed envious. "Who couldn't get fond of Ishyu? He's a sweet man. My bigger concern would be the wolves being too rough with him."

That was a fair concern. Ishyu's former home was abusive. The man's blood tasted divine, but his previous master shattered his spirit. Eldod's staff and his allies, including Darttan, had helped restore the shine to Ishyu's eyes. 

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