Hell House Drabble 1

409 19 1

Written: 2016

These drabbles will be on the darker side. Be warned. They also won't be in direct order like the other ones which is why I kept Drabble in their title. 


The Entity hummed as it looked over the human body its loyal servants had brought it. It's spider legs clicking the tiled room as idly as it thought. This was rare. The human was still alive after the sunlight had touched the house. Its minions had failed to kill him or inject him with the venom, so the Entity could not feed on him either.

Irritating. There were rules to the games, and the human had managed to fulfil them all. They could no longer kill him. However, nor could they let the human leave now.

"Explain to me how you failed to kill one human before the time limit." Its voice voiced, and its legs lashed out, shifting into shadows and slamming against the walls of the room unhappily. The room shook under the attack, the wood complaining at the treatment.

His servants trembled and flinched at the action, but he kept them from striking his minions. They had done the right thing by not killing him after the time limit and instead of bringing him to the Entity to deal with. There were rules to the magic which kept him and the others alive and one was not to break the rules of the game.

Survive until daylight the next day, and you will live.

"He was clever. More so than most," Vincent commented. High praise from him. Vincent was a creature he had shaped into a vampire-like thing. He was refined and liked to drink the blood of his victims from a wine glass. He was one of the more handsome creatures who resided in the hell house, and with that came an ego of impressive size. If he was acknowledging the human as clever, the boy must have shown the potential for something impressive.

The Entity looked down at the unconscious man. There was nothing that could be gleaned from it about his intelligence. He was well-dressed, the clothes now ruined from the night of running and hiding but they would have been good quality. They were covered with mud and blood, not to mention torn in several places.

"Pretty boy threw knives well," Frank drawled in his deep and slow tone which rumbled through most people. The Entity had based Frank's monster side on Frankenstein's monster. The broad, heavily scarred man had been easily adapted to the look and if anything enjoyed it more than his previous human look. He had a proper face now. His human face had been heavily scarred from a fire, and the man was still terrified by fire."Had to react faster than normal."

"Pretty boy?" The Entity had to admit the human was a pretty one.

He had an almost doll-like face. His hair was pitch black, and his beige skin was clean and flawless. He was young, not a child or else he would not have found his way to the house but still growing. His limbs were slender and long. Keeping him would require buying more human food than normal.

"He is a pretty one. All of them were this time around. I think they were models or art students," Walter commented softly before yawning. "I was hoping some would come my way," he mourned, liking to take pretty ones for his collection. A low chuckle broke out amongst the lower-level creatures, no one missing why Walter would want them.

"Master, what should we do with him?"

"We can't kill him. The rules clearly say if he survives the night, he will live. We can't let him go either. He has already been replaced in the human world," the Entity mused a hand stroking through the human's hair idly, darkness swirling around him gently. "We will have to keep him," it settled on, the darkness moving to surround the human possessively. It couldn't turn him into a monster straight away. It would have to prepare the human for the change like he had for all the others.

"A new monster?" Vincent hummed, looking closer at the boy. "His soul's a little light for that isn't it?"

The Entity shrugged, unconcerned with that detail. The boy was indeed a light soul, like most of his age. He was tainted, he wasn't pure. Few men and women were at his age now. The Entity had tortured souls into going dark before, and it wasn't like a new monster was actually needed quickly. They could afford to let this one drift into the darkness they lived in at his own pace.

"The boy's soul will darker the longer he resides with us. Use one of the spare rooms of the main circuit for his room. We wouldn't want any guests finding him by accident. Chain him for now. I will have to find some rules for him," the Entity mused, closing his eyes and relaxing in his web. It had been so long since it had converted a living human into a monster. Normally it was a soul which was stubborn and wouldn't be absorbed or leave the house.

"Leave me!" He flicked his tentacles again.

Frank quickly scooped the young man up and carried him out, the rest of the monsters bowing and leaving behind him in his darkness.

The less interested of the servants wandered off, but a few gathered around Frank to get a look at the new residence of the house. Vincent running a finger over his forehead to flick his fringe back.

"He is quite pretty," Walter hummed. "He would make a fine addition to my collection. A shame."

"Yes, a great shame. Instead of being a lifeless doll, he can walk and talk about," Vincent snorted. "Hopefully he will be interesting to have around unlike some of the people who live here." he sniffed unhappily. "Follow me, Frank. It's time we set up this one's new home."

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