Notebook Drabble 46 - Kedron

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Kedron internally sighed, keeping a straight face as he looked down at the intruder that his guards had bound up and at his feet. "If you were any older, I'd have killed you by now," he said coolly, not impressed by the boy's continued insistence on breaking into his home to take revenge. He had killed the boy's parents, there was no doubt in his mind that the boy's desire was valid, but this was getting pitiful.

The boy glared at him, his cheek bleeding slightly from his latest scuffle with the guards. They all knew him by now. While they all knew not to kill him, it didn't stop them from getting any less annoyed with the kid.

"No talking today? Fine. Lock him up in his room. A week to start with, I think," Kedron ordered, turning to walk back to his office. He had no time to deal with the child today. At fifteen, the boy was getting closer and closer to an age where he was more willing to take more dramatic action to get him to behave. An extended stay would encourage better behaviour rather than just throwing him out like normal. Fifteen still felt a little too young to be scarring or crippling the boy.

"Wait! NO!" the boy yelled. Kedron didn't bother to look behind him as he heard the guards curse. The boy was fighting again, it seemed. "You can't! I need to ..." he called desperately. "Let me go!"

The boy was dragged from the room, and Kedron sat at his desk to work. Idly listening to the yells and shouts. He loaded up the CTV footage and watched as the boy was forced into a room with the door locked behind him. He banged on the door a while before kicking it and cursing. Kedron smirked as the boy banged his head against the door in defeat, fists resting against the wood.

After a moment or two, the boy turned and finally faced the room. The expression on his face was masked. The camera in the room wasn't hidden at all, and the boy looked darkly at it before walking further in.

"Boss," a soft voice called. Kedron looked up at his assistant and gestured for him to enter. "Your middle son is here," he admitted.

"Send him in," Kedron ordered, eyes darting back to the screen where the boy was gingerly sitting on the bed. The troublesome brat actually looked more vulnerable in that moment. The boy was far too skinny, and the injuries from his constant attempts to break in didn't help. Kedron had a file on the boy by now. Honestly, Kedron wondered where the boy even got the energy from. It wasn't a happy life he led.

"Father," his son greeted as he walked into the room.

Kedron graced his son with a warm smile and waved him closer. Only a few years older than the brat, and the difference in care was clear to see. Colton was well-fed, and his clothes were of good quality, unlike the rags the brat was in. His hair was neat, and his shoes were polished. His son was brought up by someone who cared for his well-being. "You look well," he nodded approvingly. "Your tutors have informed me of your continued hard work and your improvement in your grades. I am pleased you took this seriously."

"I'm glad to hear so, father," Colton smiled at him. There was a touch of wariness to the look that Kedron had some regret with, but in truth, his children were no longer babies. They were bound to start seeing his work for what it was soon, and his middle son had more heart than the others.

"Is something bothering you?" Kedron asked, giving his son another look up and down. Colton looked the most like him of his children despite the personality differences. Dark eyes, dark hair with olive skin and a smile that could charm anymore. Kedron used yhis as a weapon. Colton used his freely. Even if Colton was no good for the business, he had his talents, and charm was one. The main differences came in the slight places, how his nose was tilted, and the shape of his lips. Small details that set them apart.

"I saw our guest," Colton shrugged unhappily. "Still getting used to it," he murmured, like he wasn't entirely sure he should be admitting that to his father. Kedron waved him to come closer yet. Gently, he pulled his son to his side and gave him a brief hug, kissing his forehead. His son pressed close.

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