Notebook Drabble 39 - 3

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"Rain isn't good," Hisaki said, concerned.

"I'm aware," Einar said. His grip pulled Danny along, and he followed blindly, unable to focus as everything blurred and his body disconnected from his awareness. The cool drizzle of water burned like lava while overlaid with the memory of hell burning his skin. It helped at the same time. He wasn't burning; he was shivering from the chill in the air.

A hand took his face and lifted it. Brown eyes studied his this time, the battle scene reflecting in them as the hand stroked through his hair. 

When did he sit down? The boiling rain stopped, and wherever they were was quiet. Stone pressed under his palms, and another hand rubbed his back. The smell of wet grass surrounded them, mixed in with Einar's scent. 

He slumped, body throbbing. 

"Come on, brat, come back to us. We didn't mean to send you down such a spin," Einar said, a soft teasing in his tone. The arm around Danny warmed him instead of burning him. Danny leaned into it, closing his eyes as he focused on breathing. 

The barrier was gone, leaving shards of glass shattered to pieces in his chest. Fuck. Damn. Bloody hell. If Einar and Hisaki could get through, so could the Mad One, surely? And the amulet was fair fame to the fates. It was long gone, and he was going to have to explain that. His stomach twisted hard, but by some force of will, he kept himself from throwing up over their feet. 

"Danny?" Hisaki pressed against his other side, the man who had entrusted him with protecting the damned thing.

Words weren't on the table for the foreseeable future. Work didn't require too much, and he'd put it on his forms for university. He had a medical card and everything. This was going to suck explaining to people who didn't know yet. His fighting club saw it happen once or twice. He hadn't hit a trigger that had the potential to last longer than an hour or two in years. Seeing two men from that time would flick that switch. 

He forced a deep breath, to the approving noises of both men. Hisaki counted out loud as Danny tried to regain control over his body. He didn't remember Einar, but then he didn't know the faces of many of the Mad One's army. Einar mentioned that Danny hadn't seen his face. 

As breathing returned, the rain stopped feeling like lava, but his voice refused to return. He tried and dialled to ask how they'd arrived. A strange noise came out of his lungs, but no words, and he slammed his head back, frustrated. 

"I know, this is very alarming, but no need to hurt yourself," Einar rumbled. "Are you back with us?"

Danny shrugged.

"It's been a while," Hisaki smiled or rather, his lips twisted upwards. "Do you remember now?"

Danny tried to speak again, but nothing came out. He shrugged and gestured at the Viking with uncertainty. Body language; the easiest way to attempt to talk while voiceless. The idea that Hisaki and Einar knew BSL when the average person didn't know it seemed about as likely as them appearing out of his nightmares.

"I am the servant of our Lord, known as Right Wingsman, Einar Copperbright," Einar declared with enough emphasis on the name that Danny took the hint. Einar was a dragonrider. His Dragon's name was Copperbright. 

He offered his medical ID, the one the student union gave him printed in case of his voice vanishing. Daniel Ingermason, a psychology student, suffers from selective mutism. 

Einar took it with a questioning look and lifted an eyebrow at the content. Oh good, they could read English. That would make some things easier.  

"You can't talk?"

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