Offerings 4

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A/N: this one is very jumpy and is more 4 different scenes, but I guess I couldn't focus when I was writing it. None are long enough to be on their own either. But Hey! Another notebook fully typed up and ready to put away safely. Just 6 more to go...

"He looks adorable like this," Davchi purred. Therinae wasn't awake from the wall of solid warmth under his body; he was lying on the Beast. A large, calloused hand pawed at Therinae's hair. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't soothing either. It took an extra second for the tone to register past the pain, dampening Therinae's awareness. That was Davichi's teasing voice. 

"In pain and crying?" Another familiar voice batted back. 

"Your words, not mine," Davchi snorted. His hand continued to tug and plan with Therinae's hair. "You have more of a reputation for being sadistic."

"Dav, don't," Lororis signed. 

"Lulu?" Therinae tried to push himself up, but pain rocked through him, and he collapsed back down over Davchi's legs. Davchi grunted and put a hand on his back to keep him down. "Like you care," Therinae muttered.

"You're nice and warm like a blanket. And mine for the next few weeks. You can stay put. Lororis isn't going anywhere," Davchi said. "Are you?" Davchi had a talent for saying a thousand things with his tone alone, and the heat of the two men glaring at each other burned Therinae's back. "Thought not." Davchi won. 

"Bastard," Lororis said without true heat behind it before an arm covered Therinae's waist. "This doesn't mean that I'm submitting to you, Davchi," he warned, laying down beside Therinae and cuddled in against Davchi's legs and Therinae. 

"I'd rather have Therinae bouncing on me than you any day."

Lororis rolled his eyes dramatically before kissing Therinae in greeting. The kiss was gentle, and unlike Lororis's normal greeting kiss, he didn't try to deepen it for once. Therinae gripped Lororis's robes and tried to pull himself closer. Lororis curled around him and Davchi's leg. 

"I'm here," Lororis promised, forehead pressing against Therinae's. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll put up with Beast. We'll keep you safe." Therinae hummed happily. He trusted those words implicitly and cuddled against Lororis's shoulder, letting his smell overtake Davchi's scents. Lororis was here.

"And you are both perfectly safe here," Davchi said, voice booming with a sated smugness. "We'll get you healthy, loved and to the Mya in time for the Winter Crest Feast." 

Therinae hummed, closing his eyes as the two started bantering again. 

[Time jump, Davchi and Lororis met some of Thernae's family at the Feast, and now they are back at the games where someone is attempting to blackmail Thernae into bed. I'd guess using that, he broke the rules by letting them meet his family?]

"Here to beg?" Lororis asked, a smug grin on his face. They'd been bumping heads more and more lately. Therinae wasn't hurt. He didn't need Lororis to be soft and gentle. Lororis enjoyed teasing and provoking Therinae into reacting. The burning glint in Therinae's eyes suited him. Lororis loved to see the passion behind the Phoenix. He grinned ferally as he got the look he wanted. 

"In a way," Therinae said, though teeth clenched, trembling. The flare of stubborn dimming as Therinae steeled himself.  

Lororis studied Therinae more carefully. No bandages peeked out of his robes, but his skin was pale, and something was off. His hair wasn't perfect; his robes were dishevelled in the way that happened when someone wasn't paying proper attention to them. Nai cared about his appearance. It went hand in hand with being a commoner among nobles. He didn't like to let any hints slip, though. 

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