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Barrow dressed him using expensive brands that made Walter's skin crawl touching them. His family weren't ones for dressing in expensive things, ignoring when they had to look good. They were gardeners. Gardening by its very nature was a messy occupation so wearing clothes that were priced so much more then they were worth was pointless. Alec wore clothes like this all the time too so the fae did not care about such things as practicality. It added to the general feeling of wrongness that haunted Walter.

He resisted the urge to complain, complying with Barrow's silent orders as he clutched Marvin's borrowed clothes to his chest like a shield. Confident hands explored his body as the fae handed his things with care but assurance that he owned them. They didn't move anywhere too personal but there was something quite terrifying about not being able to fight back.

"Rest up. Take the next few days off. I'll call your job and the university," Barrow side, fixing Walter's collar.

"I may need to call them to confirm you are a person of interest." Or rather Walter didn't know of any university that would accept to call off a stranger to say someone wasn't attending. His job knew who Barrow was, or rather his power and connections. If Barrow said he was off for a week, it was so.

"I will deal with it," Barrow promised, patting his back. "I want to chat with them about your fees."

"Yes, Uncle," Walter bowed his head. The word was like sand in his mouth. His chest twinged. He knew the pack tended to get involved with things like money when they got new members. Somehow Barrow was unexpected but not surprising when he thought hard on it. Maybe the faelings wearing expensive clothes were less taste and more Barrow insisting on such a thing. "This isn't going to be one of those things where you need to support me despite the fact I'm capable, is it?"

Barrow chuckled, his fingers lifting Walter's chin to look him in the eyes. "There is nothing weird about taking care of the people around you, Walter."

The emotions that ran through Walter at that statement were complicated, to say the least. He said nothing but Barrow's eyes flickered. What could he say? He wasn't used to people taking care of him. Not as anything other than obligation. Not that Barrow's care was out of love or affection, it would be out of ownership. He hugged his arms close to him.

"I should have brought you into my family earlier," Barrow mused, letting go of Walter's chin. "You need more help than you let on."

"I seemed like a responsible adult? Good, thank you," Walter gave a cheeky grin but it was weak he knew it.

Barrow didn't smile back. Walter let it drop from his face, looking at the patterned carpet again. "I'm very happy to have you under my wing, sweetheart. However, make no mistake, I am not happy with you right now. You doing anything as dangerous as what you did last night again, the nightmares you've had about me will be tame compared to the truth. Understood?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Eyes up!"

Walter snapped his eyes to Barrow's, the clothes clutched in his hands no protection against the man. The eyes moved through him to his soul and it was terrifying. "Yes, Uncle. I understand," he tried again, heart beating fast and everything narrowed in on the endless eyes looking at him.

"I trust that you do," Barrow kissed his brow before patting his back. "Now, go see Alec. If he's not there or busy, come back here. Do not try to leave the hotel."

"Right, yes, sir,"

"Rest well, Walter."

"And you, Uncle," Walter bowed before hitting the elevator button to take him to the residential floors. Barrow watched up until the doors were closed. Walter almost collapsed on the floor there and then. He leaned on the back of the elevator and breathed. The music played around him. The scent of flowers remained around him. How long his magic would keep the curse effects at bay was debatable.

The fae owned him now. Time would tell if that was better than returning home but it didn't change the situation.

"Come on," Walter said, straightening back up as the elevator opened up again. "You can do this." He could walk forward.

Alec's suite was close. He slipped in, placing Marvin's clothes on a table before pushing further in looking for Alec. The suite was beautiful, full of colour and beautiful patterns. Items littered around the room spoke of loving memories rather than decoration. Some plants sat in the sunlight by the wide windows, happy with the world.

Marvin's top was thrown on the floor.

Oh, that made sense. An overwhelming sense of disappointment came over him. A former lover was easier to seduce than a new person and Alec wanted Marvin back. It was the perfect time to do so with Marvin staying with him to comfort him.

He should have asked Barrow for his own room. Marvin wasn't going to want him there distracting Alec. His knuckles clicked as he clenched them.

He should go. Return to Barrow.

His eyes hurt and his chest burned. He stood frozen looking at the piece of clothing, willing himself to more, to do something. Marvin liked him. The hugs and kisses proved that. Marvin might be ok with him being there. Alec would always welcome him into his bed, completely ignoring any unease from either himself or from any other partner in the bed. There was no sound from the bedroom so they weren't actively engaged in the act.

Knees shaking, he stumbled over to the couch and sunk onto the thing, burying his head in his hands. What was his life? A sob escaped his lips and he found himself grabbing a pillow to muffle any sounds.

Fae and wolves had good hearing.

Didn't stop a hand from landing on his back. Firm, strong and large. It rubbed circles for a moment before tugging the cushion away from his mouth.

"Walt," Marvin said, pulling him into a tight hug. He was pressed against bare flesh, almost as if to confirm what he already knew. Marvin and Alec had sex while he was being interrogated by Barrow. "I have you."

He broke down in the wolf's arms. 

 When the world hurt a little less, he was lying on the man's chest, fingers combing through his hair and a blanket covering the both of them. No room for doubt now. A person didn't hold someone through a breakdown unless they cared somewhat. He was safe here. Marvin smelt of sex, earth and something uniquely his own. Earth, Walter's fingers itched to get into some soil and plant something. Begin creating life. He hated the urge. He closed his eyes and let the exhaustion roll over him. Or tried to.

"What are you two doing out here?" Alec pouted. Walter couldn't see his face but he knew Alec was pouting. That tone was a familiar one. 

"We'll join you in bed soon," Marvin promised. "Walt's a little sensitive at the moment."


He groaned as someone pulled the blanket off him, burying his face into Marvin's armpit. Marvin chuckled, shaking him. Long fingers tugged at him insisting on him moving and being a person. "I'm comfortable," he complained, regretting the words as his throat cried from the attempt to talk.

"My bed is more," Alec demanded. "Move!"

"Have you cleaned up?" Once he hadn't and Walter got someone fluids over his jacket. It hadn't been pleasant to clean up. He wasn't in the mood right now to lay in the remains of whatever Marvin and Alec had done. 

"Of course," Alec sniffed. "It's clean! Shift!"

"I'll carry him," Marvin offered, moving off the couch. 

It was cold without him and Walter opened one eye warily. Marvin was wearing boxers. Alec was not. Marvin swooped him up and brought him into the bedroom. The smell of sex was almost overpowering. Walter wrinkled his nose but the bedsheets were dry and there was the faint aroma of detergent. Hands pulled his new jeans and top off, Alex hissing as he saw Walter's chest. Walter crossed his arms over his defensively. 

"Uncle," Alec cut himself off, looking uncertain as to what he wanted to say.

"Has ordered I call him that now."


"Yeah," Walter's eyes ached from the dryness and he twisted in the bedsheets to lay face down. They settled either side of him, Alec burying into his side while Marvin took a more relaxed approach. Fuck just about summed everything up nicely. 

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