Notebook Drabble 45 - Changeling 2

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Barnett woke up to a warm body against his that didn't feel stretched out and twisted. Nothing moved wrong; the muscles pressed and flexed in a normal way, and the skin was smooth. There was no unearthly clicking or tapping but steady, healthy breathing of another human next to him. Barnett knew better. 

Blue had finished his transformation into a human guise. 

Barnett uncurled to get a better look. His mouth turned dry. The orange glow of morning light lit up Blue's new features in all the right ways. It wasn't starved or emaciated like his disguise in Underhill. It was very much the opposite, a lean body with a chiselled jawline and a torso that made Barnett swallow. His eyes drifted before snapping back up to Blue's face as he laughed. The sound melted something inside Barnett. Well, he wasn't going to have any issue being attractive to Blue's new form. 

"You approve?" Blue beamed at him. Barnett wanted to bottle that feeling up and use it when he needed a high. 

"No one is going to believe I landed someone as attractive as you."

Blue laughed, running a hand through his dark hair and flashing his teeth in a killer smile. "you sell yourself short. Though I have to admit this is one of my better shifts." His bones cracked with the movement. 

Barnett buried his face into the pillows, trying not to react as Blue draped himself against Barnett. He didn't know what he was expecting, but this was not it by any stretch of the imagination. No wonder the changelings could lure people into Underhill for their games if they could look like this; people would walk in like lambs to the slaughter.  

"You'll need a name."

"You call me Blue?" Blue didn't sound too concerned. 

"That's not a name," Barnett argued. Well, he'd heard of someone called Ocean Blue once, but Blue didn't suit as a formal name. 

"I like it," Blue pouted, and Barnett shifted his legs to hide his reaction. 

"You sure you don't want an everyday name? John, Peter, Paul?"

The pout turned from a handsome look into a twisted sneer. "No biblical names. The idea that I have to say them is bad enough."

Barnett chose not to think too hard on that nugget. "Ok, no religious names. And Blue related. Ok." Barnett knew Sora and Aozora were Japanese names to do with the sky, but Blue's clothing and facial instructions were distinctively European. Sadly, his brain struggled to find an alternative name. Sora meant sky, and Barnett wasn't even sure if that was a normal name or a made-up one. 

Sky. Skye? It was more of a girl's name but Scottish in origin. 

"Skye," Barnett tasted the name. "How about Skye?"

Blue blinked and repeated it back to himself. He nodded, a grin stretching over his face, turning him handsome again. "I like it. Skye Blue?"

"Not unless you want people to think your parents were mad Coventry City supporters."

"I don't understand."

"Don't worry about it.  Skye Jones. I'd say Smith, but the alliteration would raise eyebrows," Barnett said, running a hand along Skye's arm. 

"If you think it a good name as a human. I shall wear it."

"Excellent," Barnett relaxed back on the bed. "Any ideas on how to get your paperwork?"

"Not a clue."


Barnett and Skye work to set Skye up in the human world. The court has limited influence. Barnett has a job to worry about. Barnett goes on a date. Skye stalks him and is not impressed. Skye brings him home and threatens him. Some of Skye's true nature shows, and Barnet throws salt in his face. Sky drags Barnett home after he panics and calms him down. Skye kisses Barnett and asks if he wants sex. Barnett declines, but they come to an agreement. 

Barnett can't date, but now isn't lonely. Skye gets a job as a model. Skye admitted other changelings are about. Barnett goes to pick up Skye from their job, but he's kissing another man. Barnett leaves but gets cornered by changelings. Barnett slips them and almost makes an enemy when Skye catches up and claims him. 

Another court is not happy that Barnett knows. Barnett is not happy Skye is being courted. Skye 'thanks' them for the job but leaves to keep Barnett safe. The Court Lord is not pleased. Magnus decides to take things into his own hands. 

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