Notebook Drabble 45 - Changeling ?

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[? because I have other parts to type up, but this is the next bit in the notebook]

Barnett woke up with a man's arm around his waist and a different smell engulfing the bed. He wasn't sleeping with Skye. His head ached, and he buried it under the pillows. He had a good time at the club. Skye shouldn't be far away, could he? The scars on his thighs pulsed. Unless. Oh fuck, please don't be. 

He rolled out of bed to hunt for his clothes. Or tried to, but the arm tightened and stopped him. 

"Barnes," the lump grunted, a familiar drawl confirming his suspicions. "Stop moving and sleep some more. It's too early."

"I need to go home," Barnett said, vision blurring, but the darkness of the room, coupled with a red number 0317 glowing on the bedside table, agreed with the man. Waking up with Magnus should alarm Barnett, but he didn't have the energy, and alcohol was still burning through him. He'd panic when he was sober. "Skye will worry."

"Skye's fine. He knows where you are," Magnus yawned, his breath tickling Barnett's neck. Barnett failed not to tense. It was hot between them, and it made it hard to breathe. "You can stay here until sunrise." That was an order, not a suggestion. 

"And not a moment over." 

Magnus snorted, pressing his face against Barnett's upper back and shoulders in silent laughter. "Until a reasonable time," Magnus whispered. "Now, hush. Go back to sleep."

"Are you poaching me from Skye?" the idea came with a bolt of clarity despite his lack of memories leading up to them sharing a bed. Magnus wanted Skye. How did he fit into the equation? Was he bait? Fuck, he knew Magnus's smell now, but then again, Magnus knew what his flesh tasted like, so much that was fair? Or something.  "You promised that I was safe?"

"In the morning. You are safe. No harm will come to you in my care, and none has. Rest," the final word rang with hints of annoyance. Magnus's words didn't answer either question. 

A sinking feeling attacked Barnett's stomach. That didn't sound good. He'd checked for safety; had he got the wording wrong? Curse words filled his mind. He curled in Magnus's hold and waited. 

Magnus let out a heartfelt groan, tightening his group before releasing him. He pushed Barnett to the side of the bed and rolled off the other side, muttering darkly. 


"You're not going to sleep until you've seen Skye. So let's go to yours," Magnus said with a scowl as he dressed. 

Barnett decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. He dressed, his clothes thrown messily across the floor. He paused, spreading his left hand out. There was a golden ring on his index finger. He clenched it into a fist and finished dressing. This was not the time to panic. 

Magnus put a coat on him, smelling deeply of Magnus's cologne of choice and put a hand on his waist to guide him to a car. They walked through the rich, opulent hallways but passed no one, ignoring Magnus's bodyguards at their stations. One signalled at Magnus, but the changeling King shook his head and gestured for them to remain. They weren't having companions for this.  

Then again, Tybalt should be home, as should Draco. Draco may be disgraced, but he could guard Magnus if needed. 

"You don't need to take me home. I can call a cab," Barnett said as Magnus pushed him in. More out of obligation to resist than the belief that Magnus would let him do anything that didn't match Magnus's desires and wants.  

Magnus kissed him in response and put his seat belt on for him. Magnus didn't drive. An older man did that who didn't look at him. Magnus settled in the seat next to him, their sides brushing.  Magnus hummed, eyes closing as his hand rested on Barnett's leg with ease. Barnett wanted to ask the question.  He didn't have the nerve. Magnus burned hot with power. Barnett traced it against his teeth and pulsing in his scars. The Changeling Lord was at his peak, and Barnett was at his mercy. 

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