Whumptober Day 1 Prompt

554 23 4

TW: Torture involving hanging. 

"I could hang you," Samael purred, talons tracing the collar, the edges of his claws dipping under. "We have everything we need right here. It's a bit dangerous. I could snap your pretty little neck if I'm not careful but I'm sure the need for air will have you singing." Samael didn't know who Noah was if he thought Noah would be singing.

"You did say let's hang out sometime," Noah glared. The last time they'd met, Duskwraith had parted with those words of comfort. The man would remember.

"Well, I'm glad you like the idea cocky thing. You won't by the time I'm done," Samael said. Or not and Noah had just challenged a sociopath to follow through on his threats to strangle him.

"Wait, no!" Noah begged. A hand covered his mouth and laughter echoed in the room. The people watching were enjoying the show. A rope appeared, Samael brushing it again Noah's cheek before looping it through the collar and down through where his arms were bound together. The hand disappeared as Samael tossed the rope upwards to where hoops were in the ceiling. The pleads and begs shamefully refused to stop falling from his mouth.

"Hush," Samael teased, running a finger across Noah's lips. "The only thing I want to hear from those lips is the name."

Noah gave his best helpless expression. Begging with his eyes as Samael drank up the look. He needed a plan here. He needed to stop over-complicating things and find a way to tell Samael before he broke and told the truth. Samael would break him. He'd break him and kill him for telling the mob about his son. If he clocked that Noah was Water Lily, there was a small chance he wouldn't. The Gardener had a deal with him. Anger made people do stupid things though. Torture made people do even worse.

The ropes creaked as Samael pulled on them. The collar around his neck rose, forcing him to his feet or rather as high as his bindings would let him stand before constricting. Air fled. The leather bit into his neck and he flailed, yanking on the chains uselessly as he tried to stand up more. Trying to break the metal to get to the oxygen he so desperately needed.

It didn't work. He choked on nothing, his movements stilling as everything began to spin. Just as darkness began to creep in on the very edges of his consciousness, the rope went lack again. Air returned, burning in his lungs. His knees cried at landing on the harsh concrete again. Blood seeping through his jeans. Tears poured down his cheeks, and snot down his nose as he hacked, trying to get his breath back. This wasn't going to end here. If was never once. It would until he gave in and gave them something but what?

The laughter surrounded him like a nightmare, his heart fluttering in his chest. He wasn't going to survive. He was going to die at the hands of his predecessor stalker one way or another. The sob that escaped him was sincere. Someone made a comment about the baby finally cracking.

"Now, now, none of that," a gun patted his cheeks. The talons pulled his chin upwards. Noah couldn't see it but he could feel the twisted smirk no doubt on Samael's face. The man took pleasure in doing this to people. In breaking them down and removing their dignity from them. "I was expecting more from that show of fire you gave. It can all stop. All the pain can go away. Tell me who is responsible for robbing the warehouses? And I will put a bullet through your head and let you have peace."

"I don't know." It's your son and you will kill me if I give that name! You're going to kill me regardless. Noah forced himself to think harder. He was the smart one. The one who saw patterns to silly things and who could hack into anything. The Gardener valved him for his intelligence. Samael was not stupid. There had to be a way out of this. A way to tell him that the mob were looking for Toby without telling him.

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