Notebook Drabble 39 - 2

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Danny forgot. 

A few days before moving to university, he found the shoebox as he sorted through his things to take to uni. He didn't want his brothers digging through his shit and stealing his sneakers. The box was a basic brand, but that didn't mean he hadn't hidden a decent pair away. Maybe he hid them from his mum? She didn't get the idea of designer sneakers that weren't meant to be worn. His Dad understood the investment, but to her, shoes were shoes. 

He opened it, eager to see what treasure he'd hidden away. Something heavy clunked on the floor, rolling to rest beside his foot. It was round and a shiny gold colour. A static shock shot up his elbow as his fingers brushed it to pick it up. 

Hissing, he rubbed his arm. Weird. He lifted it. The thing was heavy and solid. He studied the golden oval, a clock face engraved on it. 

The clock hand clicked. 

His throat tightened. His chest numbed, and his stomach ached with fear. He put it back down gingerly and sat down, staring at it. His scarred fingers tingled as they remembered the heat of anger. His hands trembled, and he cracked his knuckles, trying to make it disappear. How had he forgotten the amulet?

No, this was a good thing. 

As bad as having his vocal cords freeze up, and his chest hammer with fear was, he needed to find it. He needed to take this to university. He couldn't risk his younger brothers or one of his cousins to get their hands on it. The Mad One had no issues hurting a child. 

'I won't show you mercy if you try.'


The first term of the university went well. Normal university freshers' week antics ensued. He got drunk, kissed some girls, a boy, and then some more girls out of panic. Took one home and found himself unable to perform. A bit more panic, though the lass didn't take too much offence, equally not knowing what she wanted to do. He kissed the same boy some more, and while he didn't feel ready to push it further, the initial panic at enjoying kissing another guy faded. He learned new words.

He made friends and joined a club that taught medieval fighting skills for reenactment. Honestly, he was more excited about that than his course. It didn't take more than a couple of sessions for his muscles to remember how to fight. He went to the gym, built up some more muscles to wield the sword properly and sparred with the other club members. He had fun with it and learned new moves. 

He ignored the fact that if people asked when he'd learned, his throat closed up, and he couldn't speak for the rest of the day. 

The classes were interesting, and he got good marks on his first assignments. Things looked good until it wasn't.

The amulet was gone. It wasn't in the box.

Panic ensured. 

It didn't matter; someone, somewhere, had one of the most powerful amulets in the universe. The ticking time bomb got loud in his ears. He didn't turn the light off that night, waiting for the shadows to reach out and strangle him. Danny didn't sleep for weeks, waiting for the Mad One to appear before him and tear his heart out for daring to defy him.

The Mad One didn't forget a foe. He'd hunt Danny down and take his revenge. Danny knew it like he knew the scars over his hands. 

Fuck everything. 

Danny dived back into the club and focused on being ready for when it all came back to haunt him. He kissed more boys. He let one take him home and show him how things worked. 

He loved winter. He liked the cold far more than the heat. The cold soothed his scars and helped him heal. He'd picked a North university for the cold winters and the promise of snow. Not that it'd snowed this year yet. It was February; he hoped it would happen soon. The closest they got so far was a light dusting a week prior. It was cold enough for the snow, but none yet as he glazed through the cafe windows longingly. 

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