Werewolf Drabble 2

506 19 3

Written: 2013

"Maria's dead," those words made everyone pause from there work. A shared sense of shock running through them until finally, someone grinned broadly.

"Good riddance," he declared. Everyone grinned with him as relief spread around the community at the news that the female wolf was dead. The black cloud which had hung over the village since she had committed her actions started to fade and everyone felt lighter. Free from the worry that she might return one day to continue reaping her chaos. No longer would they be waiting for more crimes to be committed to disgrace their village. She was gone.

The celebration that night was large. The villagers celebrating the death of one who had caused them so much trouble.

But not everyone was so overjoyed by the news of Maria's death. The young alpha of the village frowned as he looked out at the celebration. While everyone else was happy and joyful, he felt a heaviness in his heart. Exhaling he went back inside his house and grabbed a bottle of beer from his fridge.

"Just because she is gone, doesn't mean things are right," Blaine said out loud to his empty kitchen. "We'll never get answers now," he sighed, sitting down heavily on a chair. They would never get answers for why Maria had killed her own brother and her step-mother. His mother. And caused the death of her father. The two deaths and her disappearance had weighed on the pack since they had occurred. They made no sense to Blaine.

Maria had been the oldest child of the alpha. She had been the one meant to take over the pack, not him. She had seemed happy with the idea too. Then one night everything changed. That had been five years ago. When their father had found out, he had gone mad with guilt and confusion, drinking himself to death with alcohol. Blaine had been named alpha because his mother had been the man's wife and so he had been given the part by default. Their father had held on until Blaine was an adult

Ignoring the odd postcard, showing just how far she had travelled, Maria had not shown herself since.

Now he was 25 and could not shake the feeling he had missed something. That the sweet kind girl who had treated him like family had killed her brother. She had killed his mother by using a silver blade. No one had ever found the body of her brother, only blood from him. However, his mother's last words were that Maria had killed him.

But why did he doubt his mother's words?

Blaine took a swing of beer. He knew why he doubted them. He had no illusions as to his mother's character and those damn postcards. She had never written like she had killed people. Anything but. She wrote like she was just on holiday and could come home safely. Her last postcard had been from the country over. Close compared to some of the places she had been but too far to send somewhere after.

He looked over at the thing, hitting on the table where he had thrown it. Coffee ring staining it now, blurring some of the words but it was still eligible. He picked it up and read the words feeling the sadness go deeper.

"I found myself a man. Human but he's a good one. Might be the 'one'. I hope so. I agreed to move to his place so we'll see."

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