Just Friends

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“How’re you having your hair tonight?” Emily, my hair stylist, asks.

“I’m not actually sure.” I reply nervously. Emily plays with my hair.

“How about we plait the sides and have it in a bun at the back?” Emily suggests. I nod. She’s a professional. It’ll look good.

Whilst she plays with my hair, I think about earlier, when we were doing the twitcam.

“Hey Tessa.” George walks in, smiling at me and sits in the chair beside me.

“Hey Georgey,” I smile back.

“Georgey?” George giggles. I nod.

“Have you seen what’s been in the magazines about us?”

“Us?” George repeats.

“Us X-Factor contestants.” I confirm.

“What’s it been saying?” George asks.

“I’m only two pages into a ten page spread and I’ve already found out that Ella is dating Dan, Greg has some mystery blonde, and we fancy each other!” I reply. George looks stunned, “But we don’t, do we?” I ask, needing to hear him say he doesn’t like me, so I can move on.

“No, we don’t.” George says quietly. I smile at him and toss a jelly baby at him. Now we can be best friends, without any stupid feelings getting in the way.


I force myself to smile back at Tessa.

She doesn’t like me.

I knew she didn’t, but I didn’t want to tell it to myself.

I pick up another magazine.

“You and Josh, huh?” I ask.

“Me and Josh?” Tessa blushes, “We’re just friends.”

“The mags are raving about you two!” I gasp, looking at a few others.

“You should see what they’re saying about you and Ella.” Tessa replies, changing the subject. It catches me off guard. I don’t like Ella!

“Me and Ella?” I repeat, “We’re just friends.”

“But she wants to be more than friends.” Tessa points out

“In the same way that you and Josh both want to be more than friends.” I return.

“Nah,” Tessa shrugs, “We’re just friends.” She flicks through another magazine.

“Ella and Josh,” She says. I can see this look in her eyes when she reads that. She does like Josh. I can tell, “Ella and Lucy, Ella ad… wow. Everyone loves Ella!” I smile.

“You and Ella get on well?” I ask.

“Best friends.” Tessa replies.

“That’s nice.” I comment.

“All done Tessa.” Emily smiles at Tessa. I’d forgotten she was there.

“\Thanks Emily.” Tessa smiles and looks at herself in the mirror. She looks beautiful. She turns to me, her green eyes sparkling, “We’ll always be best friends, won’t we George?” I open my mouth, but no words come out. Instead, I simply nod. Tessa beams and walks out. I guess that’s all we’ll only ever be just friends. But if she’s happy, I’m happy.


Tessa appears backstage, jumping around, hopping from foot to foot, whispering to herself.

“Are you ok Tessa?” Carolynne asks.

“This is normal Tessa behaviour.” Bandon walks in behind his sister, “Good luck Tessa.” He smiles at Tessa and she smiles back. He takes her elbow and she takes his. They nod at each other before letting go.

“Tessa!” Liv calls, running towards Tessa and hugging her tightly. She whispers to her and Tessa smiles.

“Tessa!” Ryan and Diana say together, “Good luck!”

When they disappear to find their seats, Tessa sits down beside me.

“Where are you?” She asks.

“Somewhere in the middle, you?” I reply.

“Right at the end.” Tessa wriggles, getting comfy.

“We’re fist,” Dan says to her, “First is forgotten.” Tessa rolls her eyes. They’ve bonded well. Tessa’s love advice on Ella I suppose.

The noisy room falls silent as Dermot walks out. He introduces himself and then the judges. The four picked to be wild cards step onto stage. Amy, Adam, Times Red and Chris.

“The wild card is Chris” Dermot announces.

That’s our cue to step out onto the stage.

We all walk out in order, Tessa right at the end of the stage and me in the middle. Tessa smiles at me and I smile back.

“And here we have our thirteen finalists!” Dermot announces. We all get cheered. We all walk backstage and then before Dan, Greg and Micky go on, Dermot announces a special guest. Tessa sits up, her eyes wide.


I look at Tessa.

She’s not breathing. 

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