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“So we need to wow everyone, do you understand?” Tulisa asks me, staring intently at me. I glance up at her and nod, even though I missed everything that she just said. “Good,” Tulisa continues, “So, do you have any hidden talents that we haven’t shown on the show yet?”

I think for a few seconds, dragging my mind away from thinking about earlier on today, “Well, I can play guitar.”

“Excellent!” Tulisa cries, “I can picture it now! Tessa Williams, starting off singing, it will be slow, nice and slow, just you and your guitar, and then suddenly it gets all upbeat and you can be dancing while playing your guitar. That will really show off your skills.”

I nod, my mind back on Tash and Josh. “Cool, it sounds cool.”

“Great!” Tulisa squeals, “What songs can you play best on guitar?”

“Payphone,” I reply without skipping a beat. At least I’m paying enough attention to answer that, “I sung it at my school talent show a few years ago.”

“Excellent!” Tulisa laughs, “This is going to be amazing! Can you play it for me now?” She motions to the guitar on the other side of the room. I nod, walking towards it and picking it up. I sling the strap over my shoulder and strum the first few chords, letting my mind remember. As soon as I do, I begin to play it properly.

I sing it to her, missing out the first verse, because that’s always how I used to do it at the school talent show.

“Great!” Tulisa beams, “I have an amazing idea!” She turns to her phone, picks it up and begins dialling a number. She talks in a rush on the phone before putting it down and grinning at me. “Ok, Karen’s coming up now.” I nod. We’re moving fast onto vocals this week, but maybe it’s because Tulisa is intent on us getting far in the competition.

“Ok, so what song are doing?” Karen asks as soon as she arrives.

“Payphone,” Tulisa says, explaining to Karen exactly what’s going on. I actually listen this time, figuring that I need to know something for vocal sessions. I’m dancing with a guitar?!? Are you serious?

“Are you sure about dancing with a guitar?” I ask Tulisa quietly.

“You were fine with it a minute ago,” Tulisa snaps at me. I step back quickly, suddenly scared that she’s going to bite my head off. I nod quickly, deciding not to mention the fact that I was day dreaming when she said that earlier. Karen nods, her face showing my emotions. This isn’t going to be good. This is going to be rubbish.


Tessa walks in through the door, not saying a word to anyone, and flops down on the sofa beside me. She looks exhausted.

“You alright?” I ask her. Tessa nods tiredly and curls up, resting her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and face Tash, Josh and Maryanne, directing my attention back to them.

“So how did you guys meet?” Tash asks, tying her caramel coloured hair up into a high ponytail.

“It’s a long story,” Maryanne tells her, a smile on her face.

“Is it really?” Tash asks, glancing at Josh for a second, “I’d love to hear it.” I don’t know if I’m the only one that hears the anger in her voice, but when I look at Josh, I know that he has too. He doesn’t seem too happy about it either.

“Oh, ok,” Maryanne smiles, “You tell it the best, Josh, I’m rubbish at this sort of stuff.”

“I’m sure you’re not.” Tash says sweetly.

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