Pictures and apologies

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I slump down further on the sofa. Melanie would make me get up and do something. Melanie would make me help her. Melanie would make me be happier. But Melanie’s not here. People walk past me, occasionally stopping to talk to me. But I only reply with one word answers, and then they give up. I don’t mean to be like this. I’m just so upset that Melanie is gone.

“Tessa,” George sits down beside me, “Tessa, let’s do something fun.”

“Like what?” I ask, feeling instantly a tiny bit better as he wraps his arm around me and holds me close.

“Let’s…go shopping!” He grins.

“Shopping,” I agree, standing up, “I’ll just go and get myself presentable.” George smiles as I walk away. I change into clothes that I can be seen out in and do my hair and make-up appropriately. Before we leave, I sneak a handful of jelly babies from the cupboard and eat them quickly. They make me feel much better, like they always do.

“You have a strange addiction.” George says as we run towards the cars. I laugh. We open the door to the car Bob drives and slide in, staying wrapped up in each other’s arms.

“Hey Tessa, George,” Bob smiles at us through the mirror, “Where are we going?”

“Shops!” I giggle. George smiles. I find my phone and look at Twitter.

@Tessa_Williams: Shopping with Monkey! Miss you Mama Melanie!

I lock my phone and look back at George.

“We need to take some pictures of us Monkey,” I tell him, “To go on my wall.”

“You can get them printed today!” He exclaims. I laugh. I pick up my camera, and lean into his shoulder, smiling as I take the picture. During the car journey we take hundreds of pictures of us messing around and being stupid.

My phone bleeps from a Twitter notification.

@Ella_Henderson: Buy more food @Tessa_Williams! Pretty, pretty please? X

I smile.

@Tessa_Williams: @Ella_Henderson sure thing X

I get more tweets from fans asking me to follow them, so I do. I smile to myself as I read some of them. These fans are really nice.

“We’re here!” Bob tells us, “Call me when you need picking up.”

“We will!” George calls back, helping me out of the car. Like a true gentleman.

“Where to first?” I ask.

“Well, like Ella said, we need to go food shopping.” George giggles.

“Off we go then.” I smile. I have no idea where we are. I don’t think George does either, but we spot a big Sainsbury’s sign so we run in.

“Do we take a trolley?” I ask.

“Um…yeah,” George nods, “We need a lot of food.” He struggles to get the trolley out while I howl with laughter.

“You can tell you’ve never been food shopping before.” I gasp for breath.

“And you have?” George asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Actually,” I smirk, “I have.” I walk up to the trolley, “You have to put a coin in to set it free.”

“Oh,” George’s face washes with relief as I get the trolley free.

“You’re pushing it!” I yell, jumping in the trolley.

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