Cheering Liv up

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“I can’t believe him!” Tessa seethes, pacing the room when she gets back from Friday rehearsals. “I can’t believe that he would do something like this!”

“I know,” I agree, “This is so unlike JJ.”

“In all the time that I’ve known him,” Tessa tells me, “He’s never been so rude and unkind to someone, not even his enemy.”

“You’re the one that has known him the longest,” Dan says, “Why don’t you go and talk to him?”

“And tell him what?” Tessa asks, sitting down on one of the stools in the kitchen.

I think for a second, “Tell him how horrible he’s being, and how upset Liv is.” We all glance at Liv who is sat in the living room, totally zoned out.

“What if he thinks she wants him back?” Tessa asks.

“Make it clear that she doesn’t.” Dan says at the same time that I ask, “Does she?”

Tessa sighs, “I’m not sure,” She admits, “Sometimes I get the feeling that she does, but then I think that it’s just because she’s sad that she’s missing out on couple-ly things, so I’m not sure.” She shrugs, sighing again. “I’ll go and talk to him.” She hugs me and Dan and quickly kisses me on the cheek before running off to find JJ.

Dan stares at Liv, quietly assessing the damage. Following his lead, I assess the damage in my head. Everyday Liv slips further and further away from us. I think it’s because Katy is overcrowding her space. Wherever Liv is, it’s like Katy is always there, like a shadow. And wherever Katy is, JJ is not too far behind. I guess Liv gets fed up with it all, but Katy and JJ are always there, so I suppose she just zones out from it all.

“That’s what we need to do!” Dan cries, jumping to his feet.

“What?” I ask.

“Like Tessa said,” Dan explains, “We need to do couple-ly things with her.” Dan glances at Liv, an almost longing look in his eye, almost like he’s longing for her to get better, to be the old Liv again.

“But who will be her couple?” I ask, “Because me and Tessa can be a couple, but who will be Liv’s couple?” Dan turns to face me, a weird look in his eyes.

And then I realise.

Dan wants to be Liv’s couple.

Dan broke up with Ella so that he could have a chance with Liv.

Dan looks at Liv in longing to be with her.

Dan loves Liv.


“JAMIE HAMBLETT!” I yell at the top of my voice, barging into JJ’s room where he’s sat on his bed with Katy, close to kissing her.

“What?” JJ snaps, whirling around, glaring at me. His eyes soften when he sees me, and jumps off the bed, walking towards me. “Are you ok?” He asks gently.

“I’m fine,” I tell him, “But Liv isn’t.”

“Look,” JJ sighs, “I’m sorry about Liv, but we just weren’t working out, we both knew it. And then at your party, well, that was just the tip of the iceberg. But I have Katy now, and me and Liv are over for good. I’m sorry about that, but I just want her to know that there can be no more Liv and JJ.”

“She doesn’t want you back, idiot!” I slap his chest, trying to hold in my laughter, “She’s just upset because Katy is everywhere that you are, everywhere in this house. Liv is welcome here as a guest by everyone, and I know that Katy is your guest, but not everyone welcomes her here, and I’m sorry, but it’s the truth, and we don’t want to hear you two-”

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