Which one?!?

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“My best friend is going to be famous!” Liv sings, dancing around me. I smile at her. She’s staying the night round mine, because of the good news. I smile in remembrance. We had a party with all my friends from home and everyone who is part of my family. Apart from Dad and Marie of course. But now it’s just me and Liv. Everyone has gone back to where they live, everyone apart from Diana, who stayed because Ryan will be too tired to sleep in the car. Or that might have just been an excuse. I know that she likes staying with us because she finds it lonely at home with just her and Ryan. So she stays here a lot.

“So tell me more about the boy!” Liv says, curling up on the end of my bed, quite like a cat. I think I’ll keep that thought in my head.

“Which one?” I ask.

“Which one?!?” Diana comes in behind us.

“How many are there?” Liv asks.

“Two,” I reply.

“What’s his name?” Liv quizzes.

“Josh Cuthbert.”

“How did you meet?” Diana joins in.

“I thought we gathered that she met him when he fell on top of her.” Brandon’s voice rings through our ears as he walks in. Not him as well.

“This is a different boy!” Diana and Liv say together. Brandon sighs and flops down on my bed beside Diana and Liv.

“Ok, so his name’s Josh Cuthbert, I met him at the party before boot camp began, because – Brandon you’ll never guess what!” I stop suddenly.


“JJ was there!” I squeal.

“JJ who-” Brandon looks from Diana to me.

“Who fancied Diana!” I finish, nodding.

“That JJ?” Diana gasps. Liv smiles. She knows a lot about JJ. I wouldn’t shut up about him when we first met.

“Yep, that JJ, and anyway, Josh is in a band with JJ and this other guy, Jaymi, and they’re really good singers.” I smile in memory of them.

“But what about George?” Brandon asks.

“George was there as well, we all hung out as a five.” I tell them, “But it’s no use…” My smile drops.

“Why not?” Diana asks.

“Because neither of them are through to the next round.”


It takes me a second to process that they just said my name. I’m through! I run off, smiling at the Judges, and into George’s arms that are open for me.

“Did you get through?” He asks. I nod, speechless. “I knew you could do it.” He smiles at me.

5 minutes later

JJ, Josh and Jaymi walk towards us, smiling sadly.

“Did you get through?” I ask.

“No…” Josh looks the saddest, tears spilling out of his eyes. I let go of George and give him the biggest hug ever.

“We went up against this group…but they won…” JJ looks so sad as well. I give him a hug as well as Josh. Jaymi sobs loudly. I manage to squeeze him into the hug. We have a big group hug and then George joins us.

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