The boy that fell on top of me

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"Come on baby girl." Mum stands up, holding tightly onto Gary's hand, her other arm wrapped around me. Despite me not being her 'baby' girl, I leave it. I'm too busy watching Dad look everywhere except at Mum. Brandon rolls his eyes at me and takes my arm. Together we walk forward, away from our pathetic excuse of a Dad. Diana, my sort of sister bu actually step-sisterm smiles at me and takes my other hand, holding her little son Ryan's hand in her other. Mum and Gary, my step-dad, follow us, smiling and taking photographs on Mum's new camera. Dad and his girlfriend Marie walk behind, whispering to each other. Probably pointing out bad things about my family. Why can' they all be friends for once? Not even for one day?

As we near the gate to the arena, I begin to see all of the different people auditioning, lining up to get their number, and then re-joining their families. There's so many of them! I walk up to the desk and smile at the woman.

"What's your name?" She asks me brightly, though anyone can see that she's tired and bored. 

"Tessa Williams." I tell her. She smiles a small smile at me and goes to get my number sticker. 

"How are you Tessa?" She asks as she reaches for the next number. 

"Nervous...and you?" The woman looks surprised. 

"I'm...good thanks..." She stammers. She looks as old as my Mum, but clearly this is the first question she herself has been asked today. I smile at her as she hands me my sticker. 

"Thanks," I say as I stick it onto my white top. I wave to her as I walk away with everyone and she smiles back happily. Brandon links his arm through mine and he, Diana, Mum, Gary, Ryan and I walk inside, Dad and Marie following miserably behind. What is wrong with them?

"Can numbers 100500 to 100510 please come this way." Clipboard man calls. I look down at my number. 1000507. 

"That's you!" Brandon grins at me. I look around. Everything is so blurry. I take in short sharp breaths. I'm not good enough.

"Calm down little sister."Diana soothes, rubbing my back and popping something in my mouth. I chew on it and grin. 

"JELLY BABY!" I yell. Lots of people turn to stare at me. Awkward moment...

I think I'm going to go now. I snatch the bag from Diana and stand up. 

"And friends and family of these auditionees please follow the blue tape to the waiting area whilst the auditionee goes to the warm up room." Clipboard man waits for a few seconds. I follow him into a room, munching on my special jelly babies. I get to a small room where everyone is either strumming on guitars or doing vocal warm ups. I notcie a camera at the corner of the room and shy away, walking towards a seat that can't be seen by it, not really looking where I'm going. 

Suddenly I'm thrown to the floor, and my jelly babies are flying through the air. 

"No!" I whisper. 

And then soomething heavy lands on my back. I make a weird noise that sounds a bit like a pig snorting and give up on trying to get up before I've even tried. The weight lifts off my back and I sigh. 

"Sorry for that," A hand finds its way in front of my face. I stare at it for a while, eating some more jelly babies. "Are you just going to sit there examining my hand or are you going to take it and get up?" The voice laughs a gorgeous laugh. Yeah, definitely a boy. I take it and stand up, smiling into the face of a cute boy. Ok, let me rephrase that, the EXTREMELY cute boy standing in front of me. He looks at me with his soft brown eyes that melt me. Omg. Think of something to say Tessa...

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