Love Pentagon

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I sit in the hairdresser’s chair, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. I hear the scissors snipping away at my hair. My lovely hair.

I told them not to cut off too much. I didn’t want them to cut off any. I told them I didn’t really want to have odd coloured hair. That’s what I said, but I know what X-Factor stylists are like. They might not stick to what I say.

“All done!” The woman says. I open one eye and run a hand through my brown hair. Well, it was brown. They’ve died it a dark midnight black colour. It looks ok. And she’s cut it so it’s gone from my waist, to just below my elbows. It looks quite nice actually.

“Thanks.” I say, walking out.

“Ooh, nice hair,” Jaymi comments as he walks past me at the hotel.

“Thanks.” I smile back at him. “Haven’t you noticed my hair?” He asks sadly. I actually hadn’t…

“It’s really nice.” I say quickly.

“Wait until you’ve seen Josh.” Jaymi smirks. I smile, confused, and walk into the living room.

“Black hair,” Rylan observes, “I like.”

“Thanks Rylan.” I grin.

“Oh, and BTW, you’re sleeping in the bathroom with Josh.” He adds.

I groan.

“Hey guys.” I flop down on the sofa next to Ella and Lucy. They look at me and open their mouths.

“Yes, I have black hair, anything else?” I beat them to it.

“Nice hair Tessie.” Josh says from behind me.

“Oooh, nice hair Josh,” I reply, turning around and ignoring the ‘Tessie’ remark.

“Thanks Tessa.” Josh grins back at me.

He sits down beside me and starts to play with the ends of my hair. I take the time to think. I think about what Dan told me this morning. He loves Ella. He actually loves Ella. And he got jealous when George and Ella kissed. This is a bit of a love…pentagon. Yeah, that’s right. Love is complicated…

So in our love pentagon, there is me, Josh, George, Ella and Dan. I like Josh and George, Josh likes…me? Maybe. George likes Ella, Ella likes George, and Dan likes Ella. Ella Bella is one popular girlie. Hmm, I like the sound of that. Our love pentagon.


Tessa shivers.

“Josh,” She whispers, “I can’t feel my toes.”

I look at her cheeks which are even paler than I’ve ever seen them.

“Come here,” I whisper back to her, holding out my arm. She wriggles towards me and curls up next to me, her freezing body next to mine.

“Thanks,” She whispers, closing her eyes. Her breathing gets heavier. She’s asleep. I watch her, playing with the ends of her dark hair. I only refused to answer the truth so that I could stay with Tessa. She shouldn’t have been made to do that dare, or stay alone.


Jaymi shakes me awake.

“It’s prank time.”  

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