Ryan's Imagination

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“Where did they say the terminal was?” JJ asks, as we walk through the airport.

“St Lucia, 13,” George replies. JJ smiles.

“So…which way is it?” He asks after about a minute.

“The way we’re going.” Jaymi groans. George and I laugh. JJ just looks confused.

“Here we go!” George says and we walk through a gate, reaching the baggage claim bit. Two girls, who I recognise as Lucy and Ella, are laughing and three others take their bags and leave. George looks around for Tessa, but I spot her straight away. She’s sat on a hot pink suitcase that’s spinning round on the baggage claim wheel, eating jelly babies. Only Tessa could get away with this.

“Excuse me Miss,” An angry looking short man walks up to Tessa, “Can you get off the baggage claim wheel please?” Tessa looks at him and hops off. When he disappears, she chases after her bag and sits back on it again. The man looks back at her, but rolls his eyes. Ha.

“TESSA!” I yell, running towards Tessa.

“JOSHY!” Tessa yells back, she hops off her bag and runs into my arms. “Did you get through Josh?”

“We did.” I smile at Tessa.

“Me too!” She laughs. She dances around me and hugs George, JJ and Jaymi.

“Ella and Lucy got through as well,” Tessa sings, “Come and celebrate guys!” She grabs my hand and starts to dance.

“Come on,” George laughs, “We’re going to meet the rest of the finalists!” Tessa grins, grabs her case and laughs as we run off to find the others.

“Hi guys,” Tessa smiles, “I’m Tessa.”

“Tessa?” Rylan looks up.

“Rylan!” Tessa grins.

“Tessa,” Rylan hugs her, “This is Jahmene and this is James.”

“James,” Tessa turns serious, “I saw your audition. You’re really good. I…I connected with it…” She says quietly.

“I saw yours too,” James nods at Tessa, “You’re amazing…and I understand. It’s the same thing with me.” Tessa and James nod, smiling at each other. They have a conversation with their eyes and then smile sadly. Tessa looks around.

“Where are the groups?” She asks, smiling normally.

“GMD3 and MK1 went earlier,” I reply, “And the overs are coming.”


“TESSA!” A boy yells, running towards us.

“BRANDON!” Tessa grins at her brother. They hug tightly. Brandon reaches in his bag and gets out a pack of jelly babies. “Limited edition.” He tells her. Tessa’s eyes widen. She and Brandon grin and delve into the packet, that has disappeared in a matter of seconds.

“We’re so proud of you baby girl.” Tessa’s Mum and Step-Dad walk up behind her and hug her close. Tessa smiles.

“Where’s Diana?” She asks, “Diana!” Tessa’s older sister walks past, clearly out of breath.

“Remind me never to run again.” Diana mutters. Tessa laughs and hugs her tightly.

“Your little nephew is so cute!” A girl coos. Tessa spins around.

“Liv!” She grins. They run towards each other and wrap their arms around each other. Tessa whispers something to Liv, who blushes. It’s probably about JJ. I wish that Tessa would blush like that when someone mentions my name.


Ryan sits in my lap, watching everyone socialize with each other, like me. Diana is sat talking to Melanie and Carolynne who have children of their own, Brandon is laughing with Lucy and Rylan, Mum is talking to Jahmene and Ella, Gary is talking to Kye and James, and Liv is talking to Union J. Well, mostly JJ, but the others are in the conversation too.

“Shall we go and save the boys from the evil witch Liv?” I ask Ryan. He nods excitedly, so I pick him up off of the floor and onto my hip.

“You be my dragon!” Ryan says in my ear, so I give him a piggy back and run round with him. “Now we save boys!” He says, eyes shining. I run towards where Liv is standing and Ryan starts slashing about with his imaginary sword.

“Witch is dead!” He says triumphantly.

“King Ryan wins again!” I announce. Liv looks at me and Ryan, and falls to the floor pretending to be dead. Ryan looks at me.

“Tessa!” He moans, “You a dragon, you can’t talk!”

“Sorry!” I apologise quickly. “What happens next?” I ask the boy on my back. He thinks for a moment and then smiles.

“Knight needs Princess!” Ryan announces.

“Who can be your Princess?” Ryan looks around and points at Ella. Liv, still pretending to be dead, grabs Ella to her, whispers something to her, and they both walk over. Ella grins.

“Princess in tower,” Ryan orders, “Guarded by monster.” He points at JJ and we all stifle giggles. So JJ acts being a monster as I charge towards him, being Ryan’s dragon again. Ryan slashes at JJ until JJ dies and collapses on the floor beside Liv. This is good fun.

“Now we need a donkey, a King, and a frog.” Ryan decides.

“I’m King!” Jaymi yells.

“Donkey!” George joins in.

“Frog…” Josh says miserably. I stifle laughter.

“King travels on donkey to tower to collect his daughter and her saviour.” Ryan continues. We act this out while he says it, “The knight gets a hundred pieces of gold and a hundred pieces of silver. He gives twenty pieces of each to his dragon to spend on itself.” I grin at this and wave imaginary money in the air. Ryan laughs and continues with the story, “The frog kisses the dragon and-”

“The frog kisses the dragon?” JJ and Liv roll around on the floor laughing.

“Quiet!” Ryan says. Liv and JJ shut up, laughing into their hands. “The dragon and frog transform into the beautiful Queen and King of the other kingdom and the King and the Donkey live together in harmony, the witch and the monster are both dead, and the knight married the Princess was rich and they all lived happily ever after.” Ryan finishes. All the other contestants and my family erupt in cheers. We all bow.

“You know,” Brandon says cheekily, “The frog never did kiss the dragon.”

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