The Chase

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After Tash took off, I didn’t see her for the rest of the day, or on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, or Thursday. At first, I thought she had left, but I heard her voice a lot of the time in the spare room next door to Tessa, so I knew she was still here. I guess she’s been avoiding me. No, wait, I know she’s been avoiding me, because of me not keeping in touch with her, or maybe me choosing Maryanne over her. I’m not sure, but I know I should’ve done so much better. Tash is my sister, and she deserves more than this.

Today is Friday. The time has gone quickly, mostly with me worrying about the performance and about Tash.

Slowly, I walk up to Tash’s bedroom door and knock on it. Tessa opens the door, laughing, but it quietens when she sees me.

“Hey, Josh,” She says softly, “Come in.” I walk in and see Tash sat on one of the beds and Ella sat on the other. As soon as I walk in, Tash glares up at me.

“Get out.” She says angrily.

“Tash, we need to talk.”

“I said get out!” Tash yells back at me.


“I have nothing to say to you, Joshua,” Tash snaps, throwing a pillow at my face. I catch it and sit down on the bed next to her.

“Look, Tash, I’m sorry, but we really need to talk.” I tell her quietly.

Tash looks around me, “Where’s Maryanne?” She asks, her eyebrows raised, “Has she finally decided to dump you? Did she realise that you’re just a liar like everyone else? Or did you dump her?”

“Shut up about Maryanne!” I yell at her, anger running through my veins, “There’s nothing wrong with her, why can’t you just accept that?” Tash glares at me, her blue eyes flashing with anger.

“You chose her over me,” Tash hisses, “I’m your own sister, yet you chose some girl you’ve known for two weeks over your own sister.”

“Now look who’s the selfish one.” I snap at her. Her eye’s flash darkly, and I glance away from her, to Tessa, who has a sad look on her face.

“I need to go and call Liv,” She tells Tash apologetically, “I haven’t called her today, and I need to see if she’s talking to me again.” Ella nods and goes with her. I wonder if this has been scripted, because it fits Tash’s argument very well.

“See,” Tash snaps at me, “Even Tessa can be bothered to call her best friend/sister figure! It’s been a week, but Tessa has called her every day, even though Liv isn’t talking to her! That’s more than you could have done in at least a month.”

I roll my eyes at her, “A month, Tash, it was one month! I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up about it!”

“Alright,” Tash snaps, “What if it was Maryanne? What if she cut off all contact with you for a month? How would you feel then?”

I open my mouth, only to close it again.

“See?” Tash asks, her voice quiet, “You prefer Maryanne to me.”

“Well that’s not surprising, is it?” I snap back in reply, “With you always screaming at me, I don’t think it’s hard to understand that I want a break.” Tash looks away from me, but it doesn’t stop me, “You act like you’re my Mother, not my sister, and it’s plain annoying. I hate it when you do this. I hate you when you do this.”

Tash stands up, silent tears trickling down her cheeks. Tash never cries. What have I done?

“Thanks, Josh,” She says quietly, “Have a good life.” She grabs a rucksack that is lying at the foot of the door and walks out, tears still running down her face.

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