Live Show Gone Wrong

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“LET US IN!” Tessa bellows at me. At least, I think she’s talking to me. I drag myself up off of my bed and stumble towards my door, my eyes still half closed from the sleep I wish Tessa hadn’t woken me up from. I feel around for the door handle and when I reach it, I rattle it to let myself out.

Except from the fact that it won’t open.

“HELP!” I scream, “Help! I’m locked in! I don’t want to die in here!”

“Tash?” George asks, “Tash, where are you?”

I scream again, “GEORGE! HELP ME!”

“I’m afraid you are not allowed to see Miss Cuthbert today.” A male voice says sternly, “She is in the cell for assaulting a police officer, and Officer Thompson has requested that nobody sees her while she’s in here, so that she can learn her lesson.”

“Cell?” I cry, peeling my eyes open and staring around in dismay at the grey walls of the cell that are enclosing me in this tiny space. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.

“Get out of my way.” Tessa yells. I hear her light footsteps along the corridor and suddenly she’s barging into my cell and wrapping her arms around me tightly. I wrap my own arms around her even tighter, thankful that she’s here to save me from this cell.

“What am I doing here?” I whisper to her, “Why am I not at the hotel?”

Tessa lets go of me for a second and looks at me for a few seconds, before finally answering, “Tash, you ran away.”

“Why?” I ask her quietly, “Why did I run away, and how did I end up here?”

Tessa glances at George, who is stood in the doorway behind her.

“They said that this would happen,” George tells us both quickly, “They injected you with a sleeping drug so that you couldn’t fight them anymore than what you were doing.” I look up at him but he shrugs. I glance at Tessa who smiles sadly. “We’ll explain in the car.”

When we are all plugged into Tessa’s driver’s car, I turn to my two friends in curiosity.

“What happened?” I ask them softly.

Tessa looks at me and then starts to speak very quietly, “You had a fight with Josh, and I guess it all went downhill from there.” She carries on talking, but I block it out, remembering on my own. I close my eyes to stop myself from crying. I never cry. Only when that...thing happened with...well, that doesn’t matter anymore, because he’s gone.

“How did I end up with the police?” I ask, interrupting Tessa and George. Tessa tucks a strand of dark hair behind her ear and looks at George, who looks at me. “Josh called the police...he said...he said...” George looks away from me, his cheeks turning red.

“What did he say?”

“He said that he’d had enough of your stupid games and that he wishes that you could go back to where you came from and never return.”

I stare at them in shock, although it’s not really shock because I knew that this would happen someday, just like it happened with Jill and Adam. I turn away, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the window, ignoring whatever they have to say.

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