Fingers crossed...

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“What song are you singing for the judges?” Josh asks me, sitting down.

“We are young,” I reply, “What about you?”

“We’re not sure yet.” Josh replies anxiously.

“Sing for us Tessa!” George jumps up. I sit up from where I’m lying on Jaymi’s bed.

“Um…” I hesitate, “Ok then…” I stand up on the bed and jump off it, grabbing my iPod from the floor and plugging it into the iPod dock beside the bed. I stand back up on the bed and start jumping around whilst singing to the song.

“Give me a second I, I need to get my story straight,” I sing, “My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state, my lover she is waiting for me, just across the bar my seat’s been taken by some sunglasses asking ‘bout a scar and, I know I gave it to you months ago. I know you’re trying to forget, but between the drinks and subtle things, the holes in my apologies, you know I’m trying hard to take it back. So by the time the bar closes and you feel like falling down, I’ll carry you home.

Tonight, we are young, so let’s set the world on fire, we can go higher,” With that I jump up so high, “Than the sun!”


Tessa smiles nervously just as she’s about to walk onstage.

“Good luck!” The four of us yell at her. Yes, four. George included. He decided to wait with us backstage. He’s a good friend George is. Considering we only met him yesterday, it’s like we’ve all known each other for ages. It’s the same with Tessa.

We’ve already performed, but Tessa is just about to go on. She flashes us a smile and then walks out onto the stage.

“Tessa,” Nicole smiles at Tessa, “How have you been sweetie?”

“I’m good thanks.” Tessa smiles back.

“You’re happier from yesterday? You and a certain young man seem very close friends.” Nicole winks. I turn to look at George. He looks happy. I feel a weird pang in my chest. What?!? Tessa laughs it off.

“George and I are just friends,” She explains, “But we will stay in touch after X-Factor. I’m going to stay in touch with the others that I met this weekend as well. It’s like we’re one big family.”

“Good,” Nicole smiles, “Take it away.”  Tessa smiles and sings her version of We Are Young that she sung to us last night. She’s brilliant. When she finishes, all the judges have smiles on their faces.

“Wow Tessa,” Gary smiles at Tessa, “I think that’s shown us how much you want this.” Tessa smiles at him and runs off stage. Wow.


I run backstage, smiling at Dermot.

“How was that?” Dermot asks.

“Amazing…” I whisper, “I never want to stop singing.” Dermot hugs me and then I run off, squealing to the boys.

“THAT WAS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE!” I yell at the top of my voice. I shake myself. “Glad I got that out of my system.” I shrug my shoulders which sort of turns into a head shrug and then a full body shrug. No, I don’t know what that is either. I look up and don’t see any of the boys that were there a minute ago. I look down and see them all rolling around on the floor. God. It wasn’t even that funny! I roll my eyes at them, and walk off.

“I’m in my room if you need me!” I call over my shoulder. Suddenly I hear scrambling and all the boys rush towards me, pushing me to the ground. I fall with an ‘umph’ and groan.

“I know you love me loads guys,” I say, “But you could’ve expressed it in some other way!” Josh stands up but JJ tugs his leg and he lands on top of me. I gasp. Not Josh as well. Josh turns around and looks into my eyes.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you…” He whispers. I smile and look into his blue eyes. They look so soft, so welcoming. I find myself lost in them, stuck in a trance.

“TESSA!” JJ yells. I look up at him.

“What?” I ask. JJ and Jaymi laugh. Josh looks at me. George looks at me as well. I shrug.

“Don’t do that full body shrug!” JJ begs. They collapse laughing again. And the sight of them laughing makes me laugh. So we’re all lying on the floor laughing when this man wearing spikes on his shoulders comes up to us.

“You ok?” He asks us, with this weird accent.

“We were just getting up.” I inform him, climbing off the floor and hauling all the boys up.

“What’s your name love?” The man asks me.

“My name is Tessa Williams.” I smile at him, “This is George, and these are the Triple J boys, Josh, JJ and Jaymi.”

“Rylan Clarke.” Rylan smiles. Weird name. We chat with Rylan for a while and then we get called back. George and Josh and JJ and Jaymi hug me tightly. I hug them all back.

“I’ll wait back here for you all,” George says, “You’re all amazing, you’ll all get through.” We smile at him and then Josh, JJ and Jaymi are taken somewhere, while I’m taken somewhere else. We’re not allowed to hear who goes through. Rules of the producers, apparently.

I walk onto stage and stand beside this girl called Lucy and another girl called Ella. I cross my fingers and hope for the best.

“You are all so amazing to have made it this far,” Gary says-not Gary my step-Dad, Gary Barlow-looking up at us, “But only six of you can go through.” While my name is not being called, I entertain myself thinking about the similarities between Gary Barlow and Gary Williams, my step-Dad, yeah I took on his name. It’s better to go when you’re happy than when you’re sad. I get hugs from Lucy and Ella who have both made it through, and the other girls.

“There is only one space left.” Tulisa says quietly.

“The girl filling that space is…” Nicole takes over, “Tessa Williams!”

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