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“It’s called morning sickness, Liv,” Tessa said, rolling her eyes through her tears, “That was not morning sickness. That was evening sickness. I probably just have a bug or something.”

Liv shook her head, “No Tessa, you haven’t thrown up anymore except in the morning, hence the name ‘morning sickness’.”

“I am not pregnant, Liv,” Tessa said firmly, “I haven’t even had sex yet!”

“Are you sure?” Liv asked, “Because all the signs are pointing to you being pregnant.”

“No, they’re not!” Tessa exclaimed.

Liv nodded, a faint smile on her face at Tessa’s stubbornness, “Yes they are. Look, you’ve even got a slightly bigger belly to prove it.”

“I told you,” Tessa snapped, “I haven’t had sex!”

“And all the mood swings,” Liv continued, “Happy one minute, sad the next, snappy the next.”

“I AM NOT!” Tessa yelled angrily. When she realised that she was talking too loudly, she quietened her voice, “I’ve said it three times now, I have not had sex.”

Liv sighed, “Look, Tessa, this is what I’m thinking. You were pretty drunk the night of your birthday, and you and George went and slept in the same bed and everything, and when you’re drunk you don’t remember everything, do you?”

“No,” Tessa shook her head, “But-”

Liv held up a hand to stop her, “And that was six weeks ago, and I was reading online that morning sickness usually starts in the sixth to eighth week of your pregnancy. You must be pregnant.”

“I’m not,” Tessa said firmly, “I am not pregnant. We were both wearing clothes when we woke up. Well, not clothes, but underwear.”

“It’s possible that you could have put them back on,” Liv suggested, “It’s not like you like sleeping naked, is it?”

Tessa shook her head, “But I’m not pregnant.”

“Well there’s only one way of finding out.”

Tessa smiles as she remembers the day of finding out about her pregnancy. She remembers how hard it was and how sad she was and how worried she was, but right now, she doesn’t regret a day of it. She looks down at the little baby girl on her lap. Her hair is dark brown and curly, just like her Daddy’s, but her eyes are bright green, just like her Mummy’s. The little baby giggles cutely in Tessa’s lap, her eyes twinkling. Tessa grins and tickles her baby daughter’s stomach, making her baby squeal in laughter.

There’s a knock at the door. Tessa doesn’t take her eyes off her baby, doesn’t stop tickling her baby, just answers with a quick, “Come in!”

In walks Liv, wearing her bridesmaid dress. It’s dark purple in colour, is tight fitting and reaches just above her knees. Around her waist is a white waistband that is the exact colour of Tessa’s dress. Six of the seven bridesmaids, Liv, Tash, Maryanne, Ella, Katy and Hannah, are wearing the exact same dress. The maid of honour, Melanie, who Tessa still kept in touch with seeing as she was such a motherly figure, is in a longer version. Tessa’s baby, little Eleanor, is dressed in a tiny purple dress with a huge net skirt that just about shows her tiny chubby legs.

“You look amazing Tessa,” Liv says, sighing as she walks in, “And so does Eleanor.”

“So do you!” Tessa exclaims, smiling at her best friend.

Liv shakes her head, “Not as good as you.” Tessa smiles. “Let’s sort out your dress.” Tessa hands little baby Eleanor to Brandon who has just walked in, and lets Liv lead her to the huge mirror on the other side of the room. Liv expertly zips up the zip on the back of the dress and secures the waistband, the same purple as the bridesmaids dresses, before stepping away and letting Tessa admire herself. The top half of the dress is tight fitting and has little tiny sequins outlining the top. When the dress reaches the purple waist band, a long train trails at the end of the dress. The train is decorated with the same beads as the bodice, and twinkle in the light. Tessa’s face is made up with the natural look and looks beautiful. Her hair is curled up and placed in a small, simple but effective pony tail at the top of her head, with stray curls at the side of her face.

“Beautiful,” Brandon breathes. Tessa turns around and smiles at her brother, who is wearing a black tux with a purple tie and handkerchief in the pocket.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” Tessa smiles.

“Tessa!” Melanie cries, running in, “It’s time.” Tessa’s stomach erupts in butterflies. “Oh, honey, you’ll do fine. This is going to be a day that you remember for the rest of your life, and it’s going to be amazing.” Tessa nods, slipping on her heels, barely hearing what anyone says because of her nerves. She’s rushed out of her room and positioned at the back of the church, behind all of the bridesmaids and grooms men. At the front is Melanie, standing with a bouquet of flowers, behind her are Katy and JJ, then Maryanne and Josh, then Tash and Dan, who are both best friends with each other and Tessa, then Ella and Jaymi, who, despite all Tessa’s offers, refused to walk down in a pair with Olly, because he didn’t want to make people who didn’t know them ask questions or frown upon them on Tessa’s wedding day and ruin it for her, then Hannah and Olly, who both knew each other before they met through Tessa, and finally Liv and Brandon, who are carrying Eleanor between them. Next to Tessa is her Dad, who has grown closer to her these past few years.

The music starts and everyone starts to walk. Tessa can see everyone smiling in the crowd, her friends from her old school, her X-Factor friends, the rest of District Three, Carolynne, Kye, James, Jahmene, even Christopher, and especially Rylan, who is sobbing hysterically, her famous friends, One Direction, Little Mix and their girlfriends/boyfriends, Tulisa, everyone else that she has met over the time of her experience as being a pop star, her producer friends, her music friends, her family, her new friends that she has made over the years, her soon to be husbands friends and family.

Tessa smiles to herself, and clutches her Dad’s hand tighter. She’s stopped feeling so nervous, because there at the end of the isle waiting for her beside the priest, is her nearly-husband. He’s so gorgeous, especially in his tux. She smiles again. Tessa walks slowly towards the front, watching as Melanie branches off to sit down on Tessa’s side of the church, and then Katy and JJ split off to go and sit on their different sides of the church, as do the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen. Slowly, Tessa and her Dad make her way to the front. Her Dad stops her and leaves her beside her husband, kissing her cheek quickly and giving her hand a squeeze before letting go. Tessa turns around to face her husband as she listens to the priest. Staring adoringly at her husband, she realises that she’s never loved anyone more than him.

The priest carries on with the service, asking the bride and groom different things in turn.

Tessa smiles again and says, her voice strong and clear, “I do.”

So this is the end to Torn in Love. :( I'm really going to miss this, but there will be a sequel, Unwanted, which won't be up for  while. I'll post something on here when it is finally up though. What did you think? I hope you like it!!


:) xx 

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